10 Diabetes-friendly Baking Tips

10 Diabetes-friendly Baking Tips

People on a diabetes diet invariably have to give up desserts and sweets when eating at home or eating out. While there is little to no choice of healthy desserts when eating out, you can cook your own diabetes-friendly desserts at home. Here are a few tips to help you bake diabetes-friendly goodies.

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Use wholemeal flour
It is not only a healthier option but also keeps you filled longer. All you need to do is use it with refined flour in equal proportions. Using whole-meal might be a little heavier for sponge cakes etc. If you do not like the texture that it brings about, you can even use it in a 30:70 proportion.

Use avocado
You can replace butter with avocado; it will infuse your baked goods with a creamy texture and will load it with healthy fiber. If you are not habituated to use avocado in baking, you will notice a change in taste.

Use fruits
Mash some bananas or puréed apple with a little sugar and oil. This will give you the same result as a regular creaming butter, but without loading your dessert with unhealthy fats and excess sugar. Beating the mixture well will ensure that it is airy and light.

Try nut flour  
When baking for a diabetes diet, you can try using almond or hazelnut flour. These flours have a far lower glycemic index and do not cause the blood sugar to shoot up. In case the transition to nut flours seems tough, start using them in proportion with refined flour.

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Reduce portion size  
Anyone on a diabetes diet is no stranger to portion control. Using it while baking at home can be easily followed. Start using cupcake and mini-muffin tins or only use half of your baked goodies, freezing the other half. This will prevent you from overindulging.

Reduce milk chocolate usage
You can experiment using lower quantities of chocolate than the recipe recommendations. You can replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate that has over 80% or more cocoa or use unsweetened cocoa powder. Cocoa nibs are increasingly gaining popularity and can come in handy as a low sugar replacement of milk chocolate.

Experiment with spices
While everything with salt, sugar, or fat does taste better, following a healthy diabetes diet does not mean you lose out on flavor. Try using various flavorful spices like cardamom, cinnamon, or nutmeg. These spices will reduce the dependency on salt and sugar to enhance flavors and taste. Cinnamon is known to be helpful in regulating blood sugar.

Experiment with sugar substitutes
Artificial sweeteners can easily replace sugar in baking recipes without additional calories. Most brand websites for artificial sweeteners have recipes to help you judge the correct ratios to be used.

Half the crust
Easily reduce your intake of carbs, sugar, and fat by baking an open pie. Get rid of the top crust. You can also try replacing flour in the crust with some ground nuts.

Use veggies
Zucchini, beetroots, and carrots all work really well with desserts and can be a great source of nutrients. Just shred and add them to your diabetes diet for a healthy nutrient-rich dessert.

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