10 Foods Rich in Iron

10 Foods Rich in Iron

It is important to know the list of foods high in iron as it is the main component of two proteins in our blood and muscle—hemoglobin and myoglobin respectively. These proteins are responsible for holding and carrying oxygen to our body. Hence, you must incorporate foods that contain iron.

Here is a list of food items that is rich in iron:

Spirulina is an alga and is one of the best sources of iron that is available in the form of powder/pills. An ounce of Spirulina can take care of half your iron requirement.

Grass-fed beef
This is another iron-rich food, which contains many nutrients. The best part about grass-fed beef is that it contains cancer-fighting antioxidants as well.

Liver is an iron-rich food that contains iron in its most easily absorbable form. Hence, if you suffer from iron deficiency or anemia, consuming liver is recommended as it gives you iron, folate and vitamin B3.

Dark chocolate
High-quality dark chocolate will not only satisfy your sweet cravings but will also provide you with a good dose of iron. One ounce of dark chocolate takes care of 1/5th of your daily iron needs!

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Lentils are rich in iron and many other nutrients.

This iron-rich seafood might appear tiny, but it is the best source of iron, omega-3 fatty acids , and vitamin D. You can easily source canned sardines that are affordable too and add them to everyday dishes like salads, sauces, and pasta.

This iron-laden green is one of the best sources of iron and can be eaten both cooked and raw.

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Iron-fortified cereals
All grains are rich in iron and there are certain breakfast cereals like corn flakes and wheat flakes that are specially fortified with iron. Hence, eating breakfast cereals could be fulfilling your daily iron needs as 1 cup of oatmeal contains 14 mg of iron – nearly 80% off your daily iron needs!

Black beans
Black beans are rich in iron, fiber, and protein, and are extremely good for your digestive system as they provide ‘time-released’ energy, which makes them a great source of carbohydrates, particularly for those who have diabetes.

Raisins, prunes, and figs
You can munch on raisins, prunes, and figs as a snack and also fulfill your iron requirement as they contain a lot of it. Besides, they are great for satisfying your sweet cravings too!

So the next time your iron count is on a low or you feel weak, ensure you have the aforementioned food items with you to give you an instant iron boost. Even otherwise, make it a habit to have at least a few of these items as part of your daily diet to keep your iron count in check.

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