10 Foods That Are Good For Your Brain and Memory

10 Foods That Are Good For Your Brain and Memory

You are what you eat. To narrow down that principle to the brain – your brain becomes what you eat! Needless to say, that means you have a very compelling reason to ensure that what you eat is good for your brain. There are a number of foods that specifically boost brain activity – stimulating learning, bolstering memory and improve the overall brain function. Some of these foods are also known to reverse the effects of aging.

Read on to learn more about ten of the best foods for boosting your brain and memory.

The best food in the world for the brain is blueberries . It has a proven positive effect on the brain – particularly when it comes to dealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia. It also delays aging by fighting against oxidative stress.

Wild Salmon
Do you know that your body requires few fatty acids that are not synthesized in the body? These are essential fatty acids called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the functioning of the brain. These are particularly recommended in pregnant women for the healthy growth of the fetus. Deepwater fish wild salmon is particularly rich in these essential acids. The reason why deep water fish is preferred is due to the cleanliness that it offers. A four ounce serving of twice or thrice a week is recommended for an average adult.

Nuts and seeds
Nuts and oil seeds are one of the best, and easiest, ways to boost your brain. Rich in the antioxidant vitamin E, nuts and seeds reduce the free radical damage to the cells of the brain, thus reducing DNA mutation. They also aid in repair and delay aging. Almonds are among the best of these, along with other nuts and seeds like walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seed etc.

Rich in monounsaturated fat, a vocados help in regulating the blood flow to the brain. This, in turn, promotes the functioning and health of the brain. This is especially beneficial in people with hypertension. But you should be frugal with the consumption of avocados. They contain a high amount of calories. A half avocado a day would be an ideal amount to have.

Whole grains
Whole grains are beneficial to the brain because of their indirect effects. Whole-grain bread, oatmeal and brown rice act on the heart and regulate blood flow. This blood flow regulation to the brain does the trick. Furthermore, the fiber content in the whole grain foods acts on the gut-brain axis, providing a lot of benefits. Be sure to include this in your diet at least as one meal a day.

Next on this list is the most economical food – beans. Beans are known to stabilize blood sugar levels. The brain depends on glucose for fuel and cannot store it. Beans help by stabilizing the glucose level in blood .

Pomegranate juice
Pomegranate contains an enormous amount of antioxidants that puts the fruit in this list of brain-boosting foods. The antioxidants protect the body from free radical damage and subsequent DNA mutation. Scientifically, your brain is the most sensitive part of your body for free radical damage. Pomegranates are the best option if you love fruits. The fascinating fact is that the juice of pomegranate manages to retain the properties of the whole fruit. But you have to careful about the sugar that you add into it. A cup of pomegranate juice a day will protect you from Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Freshly brewed tea
Do you love tea? Then you will love this part. Fresh tea boosts mood, improves memory and sharpens focus. Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins, that help in regulating blood flow. You can have one or two cups of freshly brewed tea daily to boost your brain.

Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains antioxidant properties that immediately enhance your mood and boost brain activity. You can try this next time. When you feel dull or weak, try munching a piece of dark chocolate. You will feel instantly better. But you have to be careful not to overdo the chocolate and pile on unnecessary calories.

Pumpkin seeds
Your brain relies on minerals. Pumpkin seeds provide precisely that. They supply zinc that is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. They also provide magnesium, vitamins and other chemicals.

So where to start? You can start by evaluating your diet and determining how much of these brain-boosting foods you are consuming. Then make a new diet chart for the coming week. Include whole grain foods for breakfast. Add pomegranate juice as a drink during the day. You can eat dark chocolates, munch nuts and seeds as a snack. Don’t forget to drink freshly brewed tea. Take blueberries, pumpkin seeds, and avocado daily.

With a diet plan like the one mentioned above, you will soon find yourself not only eating healthier but thinking better!