10 Foods That Give You Plenty of Zinc

10 Foods That Give You Plenty of Zinc

When we talk about nutrition, we tend to miss out on minerals. And zinc is of the most important minerals that we need for our bodies. 15 mg of zinc intake daily is recommended – with animal foods being a better source of zinc than plant food. If you want to know which foods you need to have in order to make sure you have a more than adequate zinc intake, then read on:

Cooked Oysters
If you are fond of seafood, then remember that Oysters are an excellent source of zinc. This gives you another reason why you should eat sea food. Of course, you must cook them properly before eating. Oysters are the best source of zinc if you live close to the coast, where the supply is ample and fresh. Apart from oysters, crabs and lobsters are also rich sources of zinc.

Beef and Lamb
Beef and lamb are two great foods for those building muscles. Full of proteins, beef is delicious and supplies loads of zinc. This is especially true of the short ribs of the beef, cooked devoid of fat. Lamb, particularly fat-free lamb, is also a great source of zinc.

Toasted Wheat Germ
If you are vegetarian or vegan, then wheat germ is the best zinc sources for you. Untoasted or Crude Wheat Germ provides a very high daily value (DV) of 94% zinc per cup.

If you grew up watching Popeye the Sailor on television, you might have wondered if spinach really is the superfood that it’s depicted as in that cartoon. Well, there is certainly a real-life basis for Popeye’s animated hijinks. Spinach is rich in zinc, and has been shown to increase virility. The same holds true for several other green leafy vegetables, such as Amaranth leaves, Endive and Radicchio.

Seeds of Pumpkin and Squash
Are you one of those who throws away the seeds of the pumpkin? Think twice before you do it the next time. Pumpkin and squash seeds are not only edible, but are a rich source of zinc as well. Other seeds that are a rich source of zinc include sesame, sunflower, chia and flaxseeds.

If you toil for long hours in front of the computer, then cashew nuts are a handy snack, that will ensure that you have adequate zinc. Roasted cashew nuts, in particular, are a great source of zinc. Other nuts rich in zinc include pine nuts, pecans, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and hazelnuts.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is very nutritious for many reasons, and being a rich source of zinc is one of them – proving a daily value (DV) of zinc that is as high as 85% per cup.

Pork & Chicken
Chicken and pork are a very good source of zinc. Did you know that a single cooked chicken drumstick can provide 15% daily value (DV) of zinc?

Cooked Chickpeas
Another great source of zinc for vegetarians and vegans is chickpeas. Cooking the chickpeas, or any other beans, enhances the absorption of zinc in the stomach. Other Beans that are also high in zinc include baked beans, kidney beans, and adzuki.

Cooked White Mushrooms
To add some variety to your zinc-rich diet, try cooked white mushrooms, which are a great source of zinc. Other mushrooms containing a high level of zinc are more, brown, oyster and portabella mushrooms.