10 Foods to Boost Your Libido

10 Foods to Boost Your Libido

Low libido is a serious health issue these days. While experts have attributed low sex drives to a number of lifestyle factors, a major factor that has been often neglected is food. So a simple solution to boost your libido would be to eat the right foods. So if you’re looking for foods to boost your libido, your search has ended. Low libido is a serious health issue these days. While experts have attributed low sex drives to a number of lifestyle factors, a major factor that has been often neglected is food. So a simple solution to boost your libido would be to eat the right foods. So if you’re looking for foods to boost your libido, your search has ended.

Before you learn about these foods, you must know the underlying mechanism that makes them effective. All these foods act on the blood vessels of the body, and increase circulation to the extremities, especially the genitals. When the blood flow increases, it tickles the touch receptors on the private parts. The crown of the male genitals and the vulva of the female genitals are full of these receptors. The activation of the receptors increases the sex drive. Moreover, some of these foods act on the brain by altering chemical substances like serotonin and dopamine. Usually, little sex drive will be due to these chemicals in the brain. So eating these foods will help you boost your drive by balancing those chemicals. So without further ado, here are ten foods that will boost your libido:

Spinach is rich in magnesium, which is a known anti inflammatory mineral. When you consume spinach in large quantities, the blood vessels in the male reproductive system becomes robust, increasing the blood flow to the penis. This is an effect similar to the use of Viagra.

Dark chocolate
The brain operates under the influence of chemicals. When you feel good or bad, it is primarily due to the increase or decrease of those chemical substances in the brain. Serotonin and dopamine are the chemicals that are responsible for keeping us happy. An increase in dopamine levels helps you beat stress and puts you in a great mood. If you want a boost in your dopamine levels, then try dark chocolate. Dark chocolate, in addition to boosting your dopamine levels, also contains antioxidants called flavonoids . The anti oxidants reduce the oxidative damage to the microvascular architecture of the genitals, and thereby increase libido and sexual pleasure.

Have you ever wondered why they give you salt and pepper for your soup? The reason is simple – pepper is an excellent appetizer. But what you need to know is that peppers are also sex appetizers. It is good for the heart, releases endorphins in the brain, and improves heart rate and circulation. All these results in an increased blood flow to the lower part of the body.

Green tea 
Green tea contains a good number of antioxidants , like catechins. It increases the metabolism of the body and improves the blood flow to the extremities of the body. Green tea also releases a powerful vasodilator called nitric oxide, that dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow.

One of the reasons for water retention in the body is excess sodium from common salt. This dampens the sex drive and also reduces the pleasure from an orgasm. To counteract this, you must add more potassium to your body. Bananas are the best choices when it comes to increasing the potassium levels in the body. It helps to expel excess water from the body, and restore your sex drive.

Ginger has a number of health benefits, and boosting your sex drive is just one of them. The best way to have ginger is in your tea. Also use it regularly as an ingredient in your meals. Gingers primarily increase the blood flow to the smaller blood vessels in the extremities of your body, and thereby greatly enhance your sex life.

Pumpkin seeds 
Remember the earlier point about serotonin and brain chemicals? Well, serotonin comes from an amino acid called tryptophan. Pumpkin seeds are rich in this amino acid and therefore can serve to boost your mood and enhance your sex drive. Furthermore, pumpkin seeds also aid in weight loss.

Another rich source of potassium is the potato. It is an antidepressant as well. You can eat any form of potato. Potatoes help in reducing the water retention and bloating and subsequently improve circulation, which in turn boosts your libido.

Fatty fish
Fatty fishes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids . These help thin the blood and increase the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby enhancing libido.

Pesto foods are rich in zinc, which is known to be good for enhancing your sex drive and treating erectile dysfunction.

There you go. Try these ten foods, and before long, you’ll find that your libido has received a healthy boost!