10 Great Foods to Help With Constipation

10 Great Foods to Help With Constipation

Chronic constipation can become problematic and it is not comfortable to live with the condition. One of the best ways to improve your intestinal health and bowel movements is to lead a healthy lifestyle overall. There are foods to help constipation that you can add to your daily diet to improve your bowel health. If you have wondered how to treat constipation then food you eat may provide a safe solution.

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Here are 10 foods to help reduce constipation

1. Oats


Oats are abundant in soluble fiber , which can aid bowel movement. Soluble fiber can absorb water and make it easier for stool to pass through the colon into the rectum and out. Instead of oats or along with it, you can consume other whole grains as they are also excellent foods to help constipation.

2. Apples


Apples can ease up your bowel movements . It is a good source of fiber and can help food move smoothly through your digestive tract.

3. Beans


Try any bean of your choice and include it in your diet at least few times every week. Beans are rich in fiber that can add bulk to your stools. Bulky stools can pass easily through the colon and rectum

4. Almonds


Almonds and other nuts are excellent foods to help constipation. Eat almonds with breakfast or as an evening snack for easy bowel movements. Almonds contain fiber along with healthy fats and lots of protein. You can easily include almonds in breakfast cereals and as a crunchy ingredient in your salads.

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5. Strawberries


If you really need a reason to eat strawberries then do it for your gut health. Strawberries contain edible seeds that provide fiber. It is very easy to include strawberries and other berries in your daily diet. You can add them to smoothies and pancakes. You can eat them as a dessert by simply adding them to a bowl of yogurt, which you can eat as a breakfast dish or a dessert after dinner.

6. Broccoli


Broccoli can help provide relief from constipation as it is rich in fiber. When you incorporate a cup of broccoli to your daily diet, it can provide you more than five grams of fiber.

7. Prunes


Prunes are high in sorbitol (a sugar) that pushes the intestine to draw more water into them. This process can improve the bowel movements.

8. Yogurt


Yogurt contains healthy bacteria that can keep the intestine healthy . When your gut is healthy, bowel movements are frequent and easier.

9. Spinach


Spinach contains fiber and magnesium , which are both helpful for healthy bowel movements. Magnesium is used as an ingredient in many laxatives. But instead, you can include it in your diet naturally for best results.

10. Lentils


Like beans, lentils are rich in protein and fiber. As lentils are easy to digest, people can eat them on a daily basis. You can incorporate lentils into your daily diet and you will find a healthy difference in your bowel movements.

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