10 Great Non-Dairy Calcium Sources

10 Great Non-Dairy Calcium Sources

Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the human body. It is found abundantly through our nerves, brain, and musculature, but the maximum is stored in our bones and teeth.
Medical journals indicate that the recommended daily intake (RDI) of calcium has to be about 1300 mg up till puberty and 1000 mg per day for adults. With the progression of age, this intake increases as the ability of the body to form calcium decreases immensely. After the age of 50 the intake reaches 1200mg for both men and women. As per common belief, dairy products are considered to be the main source of calcium. However, with growing dairy and lactose intolerance dairy products are being consumed far less and are causing extreme calcium deficiency. Let’s find out 10 holy-grail non-dairy sources of calcium.


It is one of the most common non-dairy sources of calcium and vitamin D . A 100 gm of cheddar cheese has about 721 mg of calcium. The harder cheeses such as Cheddar and Parmesan have more calcium as compared to the softer ones.


Fruits such rhubarb, figs, kumquats, kiwi, raspberries, papaya, strawberries, blackberries and oranges are all healthy sources of calcium.

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Non-Dairy beverages

Soy-milk is one brilliant option for taking calcium and yet avoiding dairy. Other drinks such as orange juice, whey protein shakes in water and fruit juices are helpful for the same.

Green leafy vegetables

The darker the green, the richer it is in nutrients and this goes for calcium as well. Greens such as broccoli, kale, spinach, okra are all calcium-rich sources. Edamame is also one of the newest soybeans that is gaining popularity and is a rich source of calcium.

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Almond is the king of nuts when it comes to calcium content. Apart from that it is also rich in fiber, vitamin E and healthy fats. Overnight soaked almonds are the best but this can be made into almond butter and easily added to a meal. Oil roasted almond have the maximum amount of calcium.


Not just any fish, Sardines and Salmon specifically have the highest amount of calcium in them. Sardines are in general one of the healthiest fish to munch on. Apart from the fat that one sardine fillet has about 50 mg of calcium, they are also rich in Omega 3 and Vitamin D. On the other hand, 3 oz. of canned Salmon has about 190 mg of calcium. Sardines or Salmon, take your pick!


Basically a paste of roasted sesame seeds, tahini can easily be incorporated in a meal. Being a paste the quantity of sesame seeds is higher and hence a good amount of calcium can be eaten on a daily basis. Tahini is best served in hummus but can be incorporated in salads, chicken recipes and as a dip in itself as well.


Very recently seeds have become one of the most power packed nutrient sources for everybody. Dried or roasted, any form that you like in, they pack a punch. Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and sunflower seeds are some of the varieties readily available in the markets. In a 100 gm of pumpkin seeds there is about 46 mg of calcium.
Tofu is a synthesized form of soy that is made from gypsum (calcium sulfate). This gypsum changes the cooked soybean into a curd like, chewy substance. The remaining water is then removed from this and a firm block of tofu is made. Half a cup serving of tofu contains an astonishing 800 mg of calcium in it. Dig in!

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From all the best sources of calcium, oatmeal is the most commonly eaten breakfast cereal across America. Having over 50 mg of calcium per 100 gm, oatmeal is the easiest breakfast fix and a healthy option as well. Add some of the calcium rich fruits in them and the calcium quotient will hitch higher.

Calcium deficiency is one of the biggest endemics that the adult population is facing. The reason is mainly erratic dietary habits and the complete lack of calcium rich foods in the daily diet. Simple steps to include the above components in our diet on a daily basis can help to curb this issue.

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