10 Health Benefits of Cherries

10 Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherries simply taste amazing! But with these small but succulent fruits, the real cherry on the top is their long list of health benefits. From making your daily life a little better to helping prevent and fight a number of diseases – here are 10 of the miraculous things cherries can do for you.

They boost your energy levels
Due to calories from their natural sugars, eating cherries are a quick way to boost your overall energy level. They also greatly improve your mood.

They help you sleep better
Suffering from a bout of insomnia? Cherries are a rich source of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycles. So have some cherries if you need a bit of nice and natural shut-eye.

They reduce muscle pain and prevent cramps
Tart cherries have been found to markedly reduce muscle inflammation and soreness. Moreover, the potassium content in cherries eases and helps prevent muscle cramps.

They help improve your digestion
The high fiber content of cherry helps improve your digestive system, while also reducing your cholesterol levels.

They slow your skin’s aging
Cherries have the highest levels of antioxidants among all fruits. Thus, regularly eating tart cherries or regularly drinking tart cherry juice can slow down the aging process of the skin . Cherry juice also helps deal with other skin conditions.

They help manage blood pressure
The high levels of potassium in cherries help regulate your heart rate, reduce the risk of hypertension, and keep your blood pressure in check. Moreover, they also keep your cholesterol low.

They provide relief from osteoarthritis
Regularly eating cherries or regularly consuming cherry juice can reduce the discomfort and pain of swollen joints that patients of osteoarthritis suffer.

They lower the risk of heart disease and stroke
Tart cherries contain high levels of anthocyanins and reduce triglyceride levels in your blood. As a result, consuming cherries means significantly reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke .

They help improve your brain function
Cherries are often referred to as ‘brain food’, as they have powerful antioxidants that help enhance your brain function – most notably, your memory. In fact, the memory-boosting attributes of cherries might even help keep Alzheimer’s at bay.

They help prevent cancer
Last, but not the least, the powerful antioxidants present in cherries can lower your risk of cancer – especially colon cancer. This is because cherries prevent the formation of carcinogenic chemicals in the body. With all these amazing benefits, you really don’t have an excuse to not add cherries to your daily diet!