Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranates have always had great nutritional benefits, but it is only fairly recently that scientists have started seriously considering pomegranate to be in the same league as powerful antioxidants such as blueberries and green tea . Usually, any fruit loses its properties when the juice is extracted from it. But interestingly, the juice from pomegranate retains the properties of the fruit itself, which makes it unique. Pomegranate juice offers a myriad of benefits for your body, skin, and hair; we shall be examining ten of the best of them.

Before delving into the health benefits, let us take a look at the scientific facts behind pomegranate juice’s status as a healthy drink. A lot of pomegranate juice’s health benefits can be attributed to the presence of antioxidants like Flavonoids (Quercetin), Gallic acids, Anthocyanin, Ellagic acids and others. The oxidation process causes a lot of damage to your system. When the oxidants in the blood meet the endothelium which is the inner wall of the blood vessels, they create a complex cycle of events releasing substances that clot blood. When a large number of these micro clots aggregate, they tend to clog arteries to the heart and brain which leads to cardiovascular damage and stroke. The rich supply of antioxidants from pomegranate juice reduces the oxidation process that initiates this entire cascade of events.

10 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice:

Pomegranate juice is a friend of your heart
A cup of pomegranate juice a day will keep your heart healthy for a long time. The oxidants that damage the endothelium cause inflammation and harden the blood vessel walls, a condition known as atherosclerosis. It is this phenomenon that restricts blood flow to the heart and causes infarction. Pomegranate juice offers a direct protection against this process.

Manages sugar levels in blood
The fructose content in the pomegranate juice helps maintain optimum sugar levels in the blood, unlike other fruit juices. Moreover,  studies have shown that the antioxidants present in pomegranate juice can be highly beneficial when it comes to reducing heart-related risks associated with Diabetes .

Reduces high blood pressure
Pomegranate juice acts on the endothelial lining of blood vessels to cause vasodilatation, thus having desirable effects for hypertensives. Talking about cardiovascular health, the effect of pomegranate juice on blood pressure cannot be ignored.  

Battles carcinogenic agents and free radicals
The oxidation process in the body creates free radicals that are the main culprits in the process of initiating cancer. Pomegranate juice directly acts on the cells to initiate the process of programmed cell death, which is faulty in cancerous cells. A significant effect has been found in the incidence of prostate cancer, wherein the cells in a prostate with cancer undergo death when pomegranate juice is consumed regularly.

Promotes gut health
Next time you encounter diarrhea or dysentery, try a cup of pomegranate juice. It will help restore the health of your gut, and aid the process of digestion. A regular intake of pomegranate juice with honey will cure flatulence and indigestion.

Steps up your immunity against microbial infections
The anti microbial ingredients of the pomegranate juice help in battling infections. The presence of oral pathogens is also reduced in people who drink pomegranate juice regularly.

Halts anemia
The presence of iron in pomegranate juice helps prevent iron deficiency. If you have been facing symptoms of iron deficiency, include pomegranate juice as part of your diet to see immediate positive results.

Pomegranate juice promotes digestion
The presence of fiber in pomegranate has a very significant effect on the process of digestion. It induces hunger and helps battle dehydration when there is hot weather. Studies show that pomegranate juice is beneficial to the health of stomach and liver, thereby regulating metabolism. No wonder pomegranate juice is a must have ingredient in any fat loss program.

Helps people suffering from arthritis
A number of enzymes involved in causing damage to the cartilage of the joints are inhibited by pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice also promotes cartilage regeneration, which is very beneficial to patients suffering from arthritis and other bone and joint disorders. If you are suffering from joint pain, be sure to have pomegranate juice every day. Drinking a cup of pomegranate juice without sugar will have a very positive effect on your health.

The best buddy for a pregnant woman
The presence of fructose, antioxidants, fiber and other essential vitamins and minerals makes pomegranate the best juice to consume during pregnancy. It helps in a number of ways: maintaining hunger, reducing blood glucose levels, reducing pregnancy induced hypertension , promoting digestion, providing folic acid for fetal growth, etc. The potassium in pomegranate juice helps in preventing muscle cramps. The plethora of benefits that can be enjoyed by drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy makes it the best buddy for any pregnant woman.

On top of all this, pomegranate juice also delays aging, helps in weight loss, control fat percentage in the body, and has a huge number of benefits for your skin and hair. Next time you go shopping, do include pomegranates in your list and take pomegranate juice regularly. A cup of unsweetened pomegranate juice daily is very beneficial for health.

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