10 Reasons To Avoid Energy Drinks

10 Reasons To Avoid Energy Drinks

Feeling tired? Craving a sudden jolt of energy to get back on track?

Energy drinks are an easy answer. But that doesn’t make them the right one. On the contrary, as you will soon find out, they are likely to do more harm than good.

The following are 10 reasons why you should consider steering clear of energy drinks:

Side Effects
Energy drinks have a long list of side effects – stomach upset, chest pain, dizziness, seizures, tremors and, even heart attacks. That alone should be enough of a deterrence, but there’s more…

Stress, Anxiety & Depression
Energy drinks tend to have a very high level of caffeine (far higher than advertised). Excess caffeine consumption often leads to increased stress and anxiety levels. Frequent caffeine consumption also leads to a drop in the levels of the ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter serotonin, which results in depression .

Overworked Organs
Energy drinks cause your body to operate as though you are in a ‘fight or flight’ situation. This puts a massive burden on your liver, brain, heart, kidneys and digestive tract. These crucial organs being constantly overworked can’t be anything but detrimental to your body.

Sugar Overload
Some energy drinks contain about 15 teaspoons of sugar on average. Needless to say, that’s a lot of sugar, and it’s far from good for your body. Among the many ill-effects of excessive sugar consumption are dehydration, increased inflammation, tooth decay, weight gain and suppression of the immune system.

Consuming energy drinks close to bedtime causes you to lose out on a night of restful sleep. This sleep deprivation leaves you feeling fatigued the next morning, leading you to turn to energy drinks again just to be able to get through the day. Break out of this vicious cycle by curbing your energy drinks consumption. Get your energy through healthy and natural foods and drinks instead.

Artificial elements
Energy drinks are seldom made using real fruit juice. Their appearance and taste are derived from artificial coloring, flavoring, and sweeteners. These artificial elements are comprised of toxic chemical substances, which have been linked to a number of adverse reactions, including migraines, dizziness, temper tantrums, hyperactivity, nervousness and aggressive behavior. Moreover, the artificial sweetener that is commonly used in low-calorie or ‘diet’ energy drinks is aspartame, which research has shown is potentially even more harmful to your body than sugar.

Adrenal fatigue
The high caffeine consumption that comes with drinking energy drinks is overtaxing on your body’s adrenaline system, leading to adrenal fatigue. Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue include tiredness, weakening of the immune system, inability to handle stress, and food cravings.

B-Vitamin Excess
Consumption of B vitamins is certainly beneficial if you restrict your intake to the recommended daily ratio. However, excessive consumption of certain B vitamins, which tends to happen if you have energy drinks, can lead to a number of adverse effects. Consuming over 34 mg of Niacin or B3 can cause your skin to flush. Consuming over 99 mg of B6 can lead to sensory nerve issues.

Allergic reactions
Caffeine, the most common ingredient in energy drinks, can cause a number of allergic reactions. Some of these include hives, itching, swelling (of the mouth, lips, tongue or face), vomiting, tightness of the chest and breathing difficulties.

Gingko Biloba
Gingko Biloba is a herb used as an ingredient in many energy drinks. It has a number of side-effects which manifest in some people, including nausea, headaches, diarrhea , dizziness, restlessness and heart palpitations. Research has shown that this herb might be a contributing factor towards thyroid cancer.
Energy drinks can be expensive, but their real cost is the toll they take on your physical and psychological health. Keep your mind and body safe by avoiding these highly caffeinated beverages as far as possible.