10 Reasons to Regularly Eat Fruits and Vegetables

10 Reasons to Regularly Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Do you make it a point to eat fruits and vegetables every day? If not, then it’s time to make some much-needed changes to your food intake. Stop binging on unhealthy chips, fried snacks and carbonated beverages. Instead, opt for healthy fruits and vegetable juices to keep your energy levels high all day.Do you make it a point to eat fruits and vegetables every day? If not, then it’s time to make some much-needed changes to your food intake. Stop binging on unhealthy chips, fried snacks and carbonated beverages. Instead, opt for healthy fruits and vegetable juices to keep your energy levels high all day.

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Read on for 10 reasons why fruits and vegetables should comprise 50% of your daily diet:

  • An abundance of good carbohydrates and proteins in your diet will repair your tissues and help you with cell growth. So ditch potatoes and instead opt for fibrous vegetables and fruits, to boost your metabolism.
  • Consuming food which is rich in vitamins and minerals helps increase immunity and reduce the risk of diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancers and heart problems. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich sources of natural vitamins, that help you feel energised and also make you look healthy.
  • Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes and, beans are rich in vitamin A, C, fibrous, folate and potassium. The U.S Dietary Association recommends 2 and 1/2 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruits every day.
  • Fresh fruits are natural sweeteners that will help you satisfy your craving for something sweet. They are also advisable and recommended for those who are suffering from diabetes and blood sugar or hormonal imbalance. Some fruits contain high potassium, including oranges, peaches, honeydew and banana. The fiber in fruits helps fight cholesterol and prevents heart diseases. Citrus fruits and strawberries are a rich source of Vitamin C. They are a must-have if you seek naturally radiant glowing skin. Fresh fruits also help heal wounds, while keeping your gums and teeth healthy.
  • Fruits and vegetables help you manage weight easily, without having to starve yourself in order to get slim. If you seek a perfectly sculpted body and are conscious of putting on weight, follow a healthy fruit and vegetable-heavy diet. You can safely consume fruits and veggies at almost all times of the day,  and at regular intervals. Healthy veggie salads or snacks should be a part of your daily diet to stay healthy.
  • Fruits and vegetables are also rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation and risks of cancer. Molecules in the body cause oxidation, with “free radicals” damaging cells all the time. Antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables help neutralise the oxidation effect and fix the damage done by repairing tissues, facilitating cell growth, and slowing down the ageing process.
  • People who have diabetes are advised to eat fresh fruits to maintain body sugar levels. You can replace other sugary foods such as muffins and doughnuts with juicy fruit smoothies to meet your sugar cravings. Health promotion campaigns, including those endorsed by the WHO, encourage eating five servings of fruits and vegetables every day in between meals.
  • It appears that the more we consume fruits, the less exposed we are to serious health issues and medical conditions in later stages of life. This is why the Australian government recommends that two servings of fruits and five servings of vegetables every day. In Japan, on the other hand, it is recommended to eat 13 portions of vegetables and four portions of fruit.
  • Always fruits should be consumed before meals and not after it, as this promotes digestion. Try adding chopped bananas, apples, dried grapes and dry fruits to breakfast cereals. Instead of fruit yoghurt, have a fruit with a dollop of natural yogurt.
  • If you are pregnant and want to give birth to a healthy baby, it’s advisable to consume lots of fruits and vegetables every day. This will also help promote baby growth inside the fetus.

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Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Always buy the local or in-season produce of fresh fruits and vegetables, as it ensures that your body gets maximum nutrients per bite.
  • When selecting juices, always go for 100% natural juices with no added sugar .
  • Prioritize frozen vegetables over canned ones, in cases when the fresh vegetable is not available elsewhere or out of stock. If you opt for canned fruits or veggies, select low-sodium varieties, and rinse the canned items properly to reduce sodium intake in the diet.
  • Always note, that the dried version of fruits is more concentrated in calories than their fresh counterparts; so controlling proportions is important.
  • Include a variety of fruits in different colors in your daily diet – mainly green, red and orange.

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