5 Best Facial Exercises to Fight Aging

5 Best Facial Exercises to Fight Aging

You can delay appearance of aging signs on face through simple exercises. Anti-aging facial exercises are easy to do and require only 5-10 minutes of your time from your daily routine. You don’t require any special preparation for these exercises. You can do these exercises at any time of the day as per your convenience.

Perform the five anti-aging facial exercises given below every day for maximum benefits.

Puff the Face

Store air inside your mouth and move it around from side to side. Ensure that you feel pressure beneath each cheek area. You can do this for 2-3 minutes every day for the best results. This anti-aging exercise for face helps to keep your cheeks youthful and supple. Aging can lead to volume loss in cheeks, which creates a gaunt look. Loss of skin elasticity can also cause facial wrinkles. Facial muscle exercises like the one mentioned here can counter the effects of loss of volume and skin elasticity. This exercise also improves blood circulation to facial skin and reduces fine lines. Regular practice of this simple exercise can tone your facial skin and tighten neck muscles. This is one of the best anti-aging facial exercises you can do to rejuvenate your entire face.

Massage the Forehead

Bring fingers from both hands on your forehead facing each other. Now, shift them outward while massaging the skin with gentle movements. This is one of the best anti-aging facial exercises for smoothing forehead wrinkles. Ensure that you massage the skin using finger pads. Repeat for 5 times. If you have horizontal forehead wrinkles, this simple exercise can help reduce them.

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Make a Pout

Yes, pouting is indeed good for keeping your face from free fine lines. Bring your lips in a pouting position for 30-60 seconds. Return to normal position. You can repeat this exercise 3-5 times to reduce wrinkles around your mouth. This is also one of the best anti-aging facial exercises for keeping the skin around the lips free of wrinkles. This exercise can also tighten cheeks to eliminate sagging skin.

Create a ‘V’

Lines around the eyes can appear as you age. These fine lines or crow’s feet are difficult to reduce or fade. But you can delay their appearance or fade them to quite an extent with facial exercises. One of the best exercises for smoothing crow’s feet to is to create a ‘V’ with your index and middle fingers below your eyes. Bring your middle finger to the inner ends of eyebrows and the index fingers to the outer ends. Raise your head to ceiling and squint. Repeat the exercise for 3-5 times; utilizing 5-10 seconds for each repetition. This exercise can also help correct droopy eyelids. It can also eliminate eye bags and reduce puffiness.

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Raise your Neck

Anti-aging regimen for face and neck must go together. Wrinkles in the neck region can make your rejuvenated and youthful face appear tired. To tighten neck muscles, sit or stand comfortably. Look toward the ceiling until you feel a stretch in the neck muscles. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Repeat for at least 5 times. This exercise can help you eliminate jowls (loose skin on jawline) and reduce double chin (chin fat). To make the exercise more effective, you can bring your mouth in an ‘O’ position while your neck is stretched.

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