5 Foods That Are Rich in Amino Peptides

5 Foods That Are Rich in Amino Peptides

Your body’s endocrine system secretes amino acids. It consists of two chains, called peptides, and polypeptides. The blood distributes it through the body’s organs,  such as the liver, kidneys, and heart.  The thyroid gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, endocrine pancreas, adipose tissues, and ovaries are responsible for the efficient secretion of amino peptides and polypeptides and are held together by peptide bonds.  Essential peptides form gastrin, neurotransmitters enkephalins and endorphins, and oxytocin. Examples of polypeptides are pancreatic hormones like insulin and glucagon. Your body requires a regular production of proteins for normal functioning as it increases immunity, provides structural support, and increases metabolism. A deficiency in amino-peptides can cause fatigue, obesity, diabetes, digestive problems, infections, and even osteoporosis.

Recommended Read:  The Power of Protein

Here are some food items, which can help you overcome the deficiency of amino peptides

Milk and its byproducts:

Dairy products are an abundant source of amino acid peptides in the body. An article in “The Latin American Archives of Nutrition,” claims that milk shows an extraordinary trial of therapeutic activities.  Milk is antithrombotic, antimicrobial, and has minerals carrying immunomodulatory effects. These minerals fight against hypertension. Bioactive peptides are found in ripened cheese and yogurt or any other fermented milk product.


Eggs are a rich dietary source of amino acids peptides and proteins . The North American Menopause Society Journal published a study in 2011 claiming that the egg yolk contains a peptide known as an egg yolk water-soluble peptide (YPEP). YPEP protects the metabolism rate of the bone. In fact, YPEP can be a profound alternative to the existing therapies on osteoporosis.


Almost everybody consumes grains in some form or the other. Corn, rice, and wheat grains contain amino peptides . Studies have found out that peptides are the autoimmune trigger, which is present in wheat gluten.  In fact, a report in “International Journal of Biological Sciences” even claims that a peptide present in rice can help cure Alzheimer’s disease. Peptides also have antifungal properties.

Beans and seeds including Soybeans:

Soybeans and seeds also contain peptide amino acids . A study reported in the “Experimental and Molecular Medicine” claims that peptides in soybean have cancer preventing and tumor suppressing properties. They are known as isoflavone-deprived soy peptide.


Quinoa is known as the mother of all grains, and it is an excellent source of amino acids. Along with its richness in protein, quinoa is also rich in fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Protein intake also depends on the physical activity of the body. However, the dietary reference intake is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of your present body weight. So include these five food items in your diet, to ensure that your body gets a natural supply of vitamins and proteins.

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