5 Healthy Drinks for the Summer

5 Healthy Drinks for the Summer

Summers are fun. But they can also be hard on your body. Your body is constantly losing water due to perspiration. As a result, you feel thirsty all the time. And while water is the best solution to your craving for fluid, chances are that you’ll want a little flavor in your liquid in order to tickle those taste buds.

Unfortunately, most of the refreshments that people go for during the summer don’t do much for either health or hydration – loaded as they are with sugars, preservatives and other assorted chemicals. But don’t despair! There are plenty of healthy and delicious drinking options at your disposal. Check out five of them below.

Cucumber Water
We’re all familiar with the phrase “as cool as a cucumber”. So it should really come as no surprise that cucumber water is one of the best ways to beat the heat. With high levels of Vitamins A, C and B6, and folic acid, it’s also one of the healthiest drinks you can have. Among the many benefits of drinking cucumber water are lower blood pressure, healthier skin, improved bone health and increased protection against chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes. Not to mention – it’s extremely easy to make!

Hibiscus Berry Iced Tea
The ruby-red color and tangy taste of this brew alone are intensely refreshing. But hibiscus tea also has a long list of health benefits that its chilled avatar, hibiscus iced tea, thankfully retains. Studies conducted by the American Heart Association and the US Department of Agriculture, among others, have found that regular hibiscus tea consumption can significantly reduce blood pressure and hypertension. Increased immunity and better digestion are also among the benefits of this drink. You’ll especially love it if you love the taste of cranberries!

Organic Sumatra Coffee
Coffee? Isn’t that a hot drink, you might be thinking? How is coffee going to help beat the heat? Well, it turns out that in the absence of humidity, hot coffee can actually lower your body temperature by causing you to sweat more, thereby releasing body heat. Moreover, sumatra coffee has a fairly low caffeine content, which makes it one of the healthier coffee options out there.

Coconut Water
Each tender coconut contains the equivalent of 1-4 cups of tender coconut water. That’s 1-4 cups of one of the healthiest beverages you can consume this summer. In addition to being a refreshing, delicious and 100% natural drink, coconut water is rich in antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids, B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C and a wide range of minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese). As a result, drinking coconut water has a number of health benefits, including lowering your blood pressure, helping you with weight loss, regulating your blood sugar levels, helping relieve your headaches, and even slowing your aging .

Sometimes, the oldies are truly the goldies. As much as you may love to try out new things, there will come a time when you just want to relax and enjoy a cool drink without much fuss. That’s where good old lemonade comes in! Lemonade provides a number of health benefits from boosting your immune system, to reduce your risk of stroke . Not to mention, it’s scientifically proven to be a great stress-buster and mood-lifter! Of course, in order to fully avail of these benefits, you need to make sure your lemonade is completely organic and free from artificial sweeteners and preservatives.

So when the heat is on, you now have at least five ways of keeping it cool while drinking to your good health!