5 Popular Superfoods You Must Have

5 Popular Superfoods You Must Have

Superfoods are one of the trendiest items in the culinary world. The health-conscious swear by superfoods’ power to energize, heal and rejuvenate. Most whole foods contain vital nutrients, but some foods are deemed extraordinary.

So, what makes superfoods incredibly nutritious?

For one: they pack more nutrients relative to their calorie content. You get extra vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in each bite. Some superfoods also contain unique compounds with specific health benefits.
Oxidative stress is linked to inflammation-related obesity, low immunity, heart disease, cancer and mental decline. While your body produces antioxidants, this small army isn’t enough to counteract the negative effects. This is why Superfoods, that contain a high concentration of antioxidants, come to your rescue.

A balanced alkaline-acid level (6-7.5) of body fluids is essential for optimal health. High acidic content depletes key nutrients in your body leading to allergies, skin problems, weight gain and constant fatigue. Alkaline-forming superfoods restore lost nutrition and maintain pH levels.

Superfoods aren’t always exotic like camu camu. You will find pantry staples on this list:

1. Almonds
Among nuts, almonds score high on nutrient-density and calorie count. You get an impressive amount of healthy fats, minerals and vitamins from a handful of almonds. Enrich your diet with magnesium-rich almonds to maintain blood pressure and avoid insulin resistance. Almonds are also a popular slimming agent, thanks to their fiber and protein content. The skin of almonds contain concentrated amounts of antioxidants and vitamin E, therefore almonds should be consumed with their skin on.

Mix dry roasted almonds with spices for a healthy and crunchy snack. Add ground almonds to smoothies, salads and other dishes. You can also tickle your taste buds with some homemade almond nut-butter.

2. Avocado
There is more to a avocado than guacamole. This fruit beats bananas hands down with its potassium content and protects you from kidney failure, strokes, and heart attacks. With high levels of fiber, avocados boost metabolic and digestive health. Fiber keeps you from snacking, bulks up your stools, and removes cholesterol particles from the body. Avocado contains fats that enhance your body’s ability to absorb food nutrients. This fat primarily comprises of the heart-healthy oleic acid making avocado oil a safe and healthy choice for cooking. Delicious and creamy, this fruit blends well with other ingredients.

Eat it plain or add it to salads, dips, gravies and raw-food desserts.

3. Blueberries
Berries are synonymous with antioxidants, especially flavonoids that repair DNA damage. Blueberry tops the list of fruits with cancer-fighting properties. The regular consumption of blueberry juice may prevent urinary tract infections in women. Craving for something sweet but worried about blood sugar spikes? Mix a handful of blueberries into a porridge, smoothie, or oatmeal.

Lower your cholesterol levels by combining vegetables and blueberries. Bake them into savory muffins and pies, or eat them raw. You can also create refreshing and tasty flavored water with blueberries.

4. Chia Seeds
Don’t let the tiny size of a chia seed fool you. Chia seeds pack a punch in terms of nutrients. This low-carb food has loads of fiber to boost gut health and a high volume of omega-3 acids for brain health. As a rich source of calcium and protein, chia seeds can help vegans improve their bone and muscle health. If you want to reduce food cravings and want to lose weight, add chia seeds to your fat-fighting arsenal.

These bland tasting seeds absorb water and fat which makes them a good substitute for egg as sauce thickener. From stews to smoothies, you can add chia seeds to any dish of your choice.

5. Kale
You’re looking at one of the most nutritious vegetables on the planet that also has a low calorie count. Like its cruciferous cousins , kales contain cancer-fighting compounds and promote eye health.
For those on a plant-food diet, Kales are a good source of B vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids. By binding bile acids, kales lower cholesterol levels and protect from heart diseases. Ditch your anti-ageing creams in favor of this antioxidant-rich leafy green. Does acid reflux and heartburn stop you from enjoining citrus fruits and getting your daily dose of vitamin C? Add kales to your diet! They provide all the beta-carotene and C and K vitamins your body needs to repair and strengthen itself.

Try baked kale chips for a healthy snack. Combine steamed kale with other superfoods to make smoothies, casseroles, pies and salads.

If you’re seeking healthier food options, add a variety of superfoods to your diet. These nutrient-dense ingredients can undo the damage caused by processed and sugary foods.