5 Probiotic Foods For Your Gut Health

5 Probiotic Foods For Your Gut Health

Probiotics are live bacteria that help and improve gut health. It is said that when the digestive system functions well, it benefits your overall health. Beneficial bacteria live in the digestive tract and help the metabolism of the body, boost the immune system, and also promote mental and heart health . If you have ever wondered how to improve your gut health then here are 5 probiotic foods you can try:

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One of the easiest ways you can restore your gut health or keep it in good shape is by consuming yogurt on a regular basis. Yogurt contains gut-friendly organisms. It is also one of the best probiotic foods for kids, as it tastes delicious. Yogurt even helps to prevent diarrhea. Also, the lactose in yogurt transforms into lactic acid during the fermentation process and that is why it is easier to digest for people with lactose intolerance. But not all commercial brands of yogurt contain probiotics, so you should read the labels carefully when buying it from a store. You can also make yogurt at home using milk and starter culture.

Fermented Vegetables
Fermented vegetables such as sour pickles, kimchi and sauerkraut are eaten in different parts of the world and are extremely good for your gut health. Sauerkraut is made out of fermented cabbage and lactic acid bacteria is used for its fermentation process. Kimchi is a dish from Korea and is also made from fermented cabbage and spices. Pickled vegetables, such as cucumber, radishes or carrots, are often fermented too. All these kinds of fermented vegetables are easily available in supermarkets. But, it is important to read the labels to check your requirement.

Kefir grains are bacterial cultures of lactic acid . When you add kefir grains to milk, it transforms into a fermented drink, which is good for your gut health. People who experience bloating or stomach ache after consuming lactose (found in milk and milk products) can consume kefir without any second thought.

A great way to consume fermented foods is to use tempeh in a variety of recipes. Tempeh is made from soybean through a fermentation process. It is also a great meat substitute for vegetarians due to its high B12 content. Vitamin B12 is essentially found in meat products.You can use tempeh in your salads or gravies. You can also saute tempeh and mix it with other vegetables. For best results, ensure that the tempeh you buy is made from organic soy.

Miso is a popular Japanese cuisine, which has now also become popular in other parts of the world. It is made from fermented grains like rye, rice or barley. You can eat miso by making it into a soup with the vegetable stalk. Miso is healthy for your gut as it has different kinds of probiotic strains.

Recommended Read: Ways in which digestive enzymes and probiotics aid in gut health

Probiotics are essential for a healthy gut. You can get probiotic supplements from the market, but it is always recommended to consume natural probiotic foods.

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