5 Side Abs Workouts to Get into Shape

5 Side Abs Workouts to Get into Shape

Showing off those perfectly sculpted abs is a dream shared by many. Usually, a lot of focus is put on training abdominals with crunches and planks, but many people forget those adjacent oblique muscles also need a lot of attention to get the perfect cut in your abs. It is extremely important to train your obliques, which are located on either side of the abdomen between the hip flexors and your lat muscles, as it will give you a sleeker midsection and a stronger, more stabilized core. So if tighter abs is on your wish list, it’s time to address the oblique.

You should think beyond the same old side planks and bicycle crunches. Here are some highly effective side abs workouts to get attractive and strong oblique muscles. Just get motivated to perform these workout plans and get your midsection turned into perfectly shaped abs.

Abs workout- Plank with variations

Planks are important to work on your muscles and make them stronger and more well defined. But opting for the same old tried and tested plank routine won’t give you great results. No equipment is needed for this workout plan. Perform the following plank sets twice, with a break between sets.

  • 15 Forearm Side Plank with Thread the needle exercise, each side.
  • 10 Pushups to Straight-arm Side Plank
  • 1-minute Side Plank
  • Forearm Planks with 20 Toe Taps – complete the first 20 reps on one side and then switch sides and do 20 reps.
  • Forearm Plank with 20 Side-to-Side Hip Dips
  • 20 Knee-to-Shoulder Knee-ins
  • 20 Knee-to-Opposite-Shoulder Knee-ins
  • 15 Forearm Side Plank with “Thread the Needle”

Abs workout- Standing abs workout

You don’t have to take all your core work lying down when you can make it stronger and sleeker while work standing up. Do three rounds of the following workout plan to target that side abs:

  • 20 Dumbbell Chops, each side
  • Plank with 20 Knee-ins. Do all on one side, then, hold the last one for 5 breaths, and then switch the side
  • 8 Forward Lunges
  • 8 Single-leg Squats with Dumbbell Lateral Raise. Weight should be on the same side as working leg. Do it on each side
  • 12 Dumbbell Overhead Presses. Hold one weight in both hands by the bells, each side
  • 20 Dumbbell Swings, Hold from one bell with both hands and then swing like a Kettlebell

Abs Workout- short but hardcore

At times, when, you’re short on time but not on motivation to work harder on your side abs, perform three to five rounds of the following workout plan.

  • 20 Dumbbell Pullovers
  • Forearm Plank with 20 Side-to-Side Hip Dips
  • 20 Bicycles with Full Leg Extension

Abs Workout- crunches

Core strength is important, and oblique muscles are responsible for getting that core strength. Training the oblique no more than once a week, without the need for heavy weights, can fetch you great results. You put these muscles to use all the time to stabilize your frame, and surely you don’t want your daily activities or other training to suffer because you trained too hard, so focus on higher reps.

  • Oblique crunch on the floor, 3 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Barbell side bends, 3 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Plate twist, 3 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Medicine ball full twist, 3 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Push-up to side plank, 1 set of 1 minute

Abs workout- Rotational power workout

Twisting really helps to burn and work on the muscles. Mix and try twisting movement with other exercises to devise a more intense and power-packed workout. After a proper warm-up, do two rounds of the following workout plan:

  • 8 Forward Lunges with Dumbbell Twist, each side. Hold dumbbell from its bells and bring weight across the front knee
  • 12 Dumbbell Overhead Press with a gentle twist, each side
  • 10 Pushups to Straight-arm Side Plank
  • 20 Dumbbell Renegade Rows
  • 15 Forearm Side Plank with “thread the needle,” each side
  • 20 Dumbbell Chops, each side
  • 10 Side-to-side Dumbbell Chops. Balance your feet apart, chop by taking dumbbell from upside to the opposite downside and repeat the movement in reverse, taking the dumbbell back up and overhead. Keep your arms straight throughout.

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