5 Sweet Fruits That Do Not Cause Sugar Spike

5 Sweet Fruits That Do Not Cause Sugar Spike

It’s no secret that there has been an overall decline in the quality of health in recent times. One of the major problems leading to this is blood sugar spike , which is quite common these days. The question in most people’s mind is “What causes blood sugar spike?” Well, a blood sugar spike occurs when glucose is built up in the bloodstream of a human being for a prolonged period of time.

Insulin is an essential hormone that converts glucose into energy that can be utilized by the body. If a person’s insulin is not working properly, the glucose will be left floating around the bloodstream, therefore raising the blood sugar levels. Thus, one should focus on consuming foods that do not cause sugar spikes.

Recommended Read:  Journey of Sugar in the Body

Fiber is the most common term used when we talk about blood sugar spiking and how to prevent it. Foods which are rich in fiber will not cause a blood sugar spike. And fruits are the fiber-rich foods that immediately come to mind.

Read on to learn about five fruits that will satisfy your craving for sweetness, while not causing a sugar spike.



Apples are a rich source of essential nutrients and minerals which are required to keep a person healthy. The carbohydrates in an apple include sugars, starches, and fiber. That being said, an apple is very rich in fiber, and a serving of 100 gm contains about 2.4gm of Dietary fiber. The total carbohydrate content of a medium-sized apple is about 24gms. An apple has a Glycemic index of 39, which is quite low. A food with such low Glycemic index will surely be among the top foods that lower blood sugar. Due to a low Glycemic index, the nutrients will flow through the bloodstream slowly and will be better absorbed – thus not causing a spike in blood sugar levels.



A half cup of blueberries contains about 43 calories, 3 gm of fiber and almost 0 gm of fat. They have a low Glycemic index value, which means eating blueberries will not cause blood sugar spike . Consumption of this fruit on a regular basis can lower sugar levels. Therefore, it is counted among the top foods to eat, in order to lower blood sugar levels.



This superfood is ranked among the top fruits in the US. However, strawberries are also found in many other regions of the world.Strawberries have a low Glycemic index of 40 or less, which surely proves beneficial for diabetic patients. One cup of strawberries contains around 3 grams of fiber which is the main reason for not spiking the blood sugar levels.



Plums are one of the fruits most well known for its low Glycemic index. Raw Canadian plums in a bunch of two have a Glycemic index of 24, which is quite low. Since it is low in the Glycemic index, it is ideal for those who wish to avoid blood sugar spikes.



They have a Glycemic index of 22, which is very low. A fruit with such a low Glycemic index can be consumed in large quantities without any adverse impact. They are definitely a great option when it comes to avoiding a blood sugar spike. Since you alone are responsible for your health, you need to shape your diet such that it benefits your body. Having fruits that do not adversely affect your blood sugar levels is one sure-shot way of doing that.

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