5 Things You Shouldn’t Say To Your Child

5 Things You Shouldn’t Say To Your Child

Being a parent and bringing up a child is not an easy job. It takes a lot of effort on your part to inculcate positive traits and good habits in them . According to psychologists, parents should avoid entertaining their children’s tantrums and unreasonable demands . But at the same time, they shouldn’t be too severe while reprimanding them.

It’s very important to handle your children with patience. There are certain dos and don’ts every parent should strictly follow to avoid misunderstandings, chaos, and unhealthy shouting. All these can have a very bad impact on your child’s mind and health. You might shout at your children for their what you think is their betterment, but your children may not see it the same way. They may develop a negative perception about you, which can potentially have an adverse impact on your relationship with them.

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Therefore, be mindful of what you are saying to your child. Read on to know what are the things you should definitely avoid saying to your children.

Calling your child ‘bad’

Children are innocent. They sometimes can’t distinguish between what’s acceptable and unacceptable. As a result, they sometimes mess up. As a parent, it is your responsibility to show them the error of their ways, without calling them ‘bad’. Calling a child ‘bad’ is not a solution to any problem, and can, in fact, make matters worse.
Even if they do something wrong, teach them what is right with patience.  This will further the bond of trust between you and your child, and will significantly reduce the probability of your child making the same mistake again. 2.

Labeling your children negatively

Labeling a child means giving them a tag. A child can be labeled in terms of their academic performance, their behavior, emotional level, and much more. There is a lot of debate about whether labeling your child is beneficial or detrimental to them. While some may believe that giving a child a negative label might motivate them to improve on that particular area, it is far more likely that a negative label will further discourage and upset the child. So, avoid labeling your children negatively by calling them ‘weak’, ‘slow’, ‘rude’ etc.

Not talking to your teenage children

There are a lot of things you shouldn’t say to your child, particularly if they’re a teenager. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid talking to them altogether! If you are concerned about your child’s academic performance, behavioral issues, or anything else, then ignoring them is not the answer. Instead, discuss the matter with them and resolve the problem. Not talking to your child is only going to make matters worse.

A straight ‘No’ to their demands

Children often make demands of their parents, especially if something their peers own attracts their attention – be it a bike, a laptop, a cell phone etc. When they do so, do not sternly say ‘No’ to them. Children are very sensitive and will get upset if you harshly reject their demands. It is better if you refuse to get them what they want gently or tell them that you will think about it.

Never say that something is not your problem

If your child is struggling with something and asks you for help, do not tell them that it’s not your problem and that you can’t deal with it. Instead, take the time to help them out, and then teach them how to handle the problem themselves. This will reassure them that you will always have their back and that they can always rely on your help and guidance.

Above all, maintain a healthy and amicable relationship with your children, so that you can communicate with them effectively. This will help you preemptively solve a number of problems you might have with your children.

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