5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Progesterone During Pregnancy

5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Progesterone During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and yet critical phases in a woman’s life. However, things often go wrong and complications arise even in the apparently smooth pregnancies. A lot of factors play a significant role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy. One of these important factors is the progesterone level of a pregnant woman. Here are some details about what this hormone does and how you can increase progesterone naturally during pregnancy.

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What Is Progesterone and What Is Its Use in Pregnancy?

Progesterone is the ovarian hormone responsible for stimulating the growth of blood vessels in the uterus lining and glands that provide nutrition to your fetus. You are aware that the placenta plays a significant role in pregnancy by supplying nutrients and oxygen to your growing baby. However, it is the progesterone that ultimately paves the way for a healthy placenta. Even when the placenta is at work, progesterone continues to maintain a healthy uterus and prevents chances of preterm birth. That is why it is essential to keep the level of this significant hormone high throughout your pregnancy.

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Ways to Boost Progesterone Naturally

While in most women,  progesterone is well-maintained, some might suffer from really low levels, thereby leading to complications. Following are some of the ways in which you can boost the level naturally:

  • To begin with, maintain normal body weight to avoid an excessive production of estrogen. When the estrogen in your fat cells is not surpassing the required amount, the ovaries automatically produce progesterone to balance the other in your body.
  • Avoid over-exercising, which leads to unbalanced cortisol level and in turn, decreases the overall progesterone level. When cortisol is produced in high levels due to physical exertion, the body swipes the progesterone from the ovaries, thereby converting them into cortisol.
  • Reduce stress as much as possible. Irregular menstruation due to stress (before pregnancy) is one of the most prominent low progesterone symptoms. Doctors are of the opinion that positive emotions during this period initiate the adrenal glands to resume the production of progesterone and function normally.
  • Go for Chasteberry, a herb considered to be one of the most popular progesterone supplements without any side effects. This herb, which is also used for irregular menstruation , stimulates the pituitary gland and produces the more luteinizing hormone. All this signals the ovaries to produce higher levels of progesterone.
  • Regular acupuncture during the early phase of your pregnancy enables improved implantation. It is held as one of the reliable ways of decreasing pregnancy loss too.

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There is no doubt that all of the above-mentioned techniques are proven to be effective in increasing the level of progesterone hormone during pregnancy. However, it is always advisable to consult your gynecologist before following any of these judiciously. Every pregnancy is unique in its own way and therefore, only an expert gynecologist knows what is best for you and your baby.

That being said, these are some all-natural ways and have no chances of adversely affecting your or your baby’s health during pregnancy.

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