6 Health Benefits of Seafood

6 Health Benefits of Seafood

Do you know that your diet is not complete without some essential nutrients? These nutrients perform crucial functions. Also, the deficiency of these nutrients could lead to serious cognitive disturbances, neural problems, and other health issues.

Sounds scary? Relax and just add seafood to your diet! Seafood contains a lot of these essential nutrients and is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids (Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid). So, here are 6 health benefits of seafood:

Your heart will be grateful to you
Yes! Seafood is essential for the proper functioning of your heart. Essential fatty acids found in seafood help prevent heart diseases by reducing the fat content of the blood. Research shows that people who consume seafood have lesser heart problems than those whose diet is devoid of seafood.

It boosts the grey matter of your brain
The essential fatty acids in seafood increase the grey matter of the brain, thereby positively affecting behavior and cognition. These fatty acids improve memory, learning, and other psychological skills. This, in turn, reduces long-term cognitive decline and prevents Alzheimer’s disease. For essential fatty acids to be fully available to you, eat baked or boiled fish.

Essential for your skin and hair
Your skin and hair require the essential fatty acids present in seafood. In areas where fish is not consumed, children suffer from dermatological problems – their hair becomes unhealthy, falls off easily, and becomes dull, dry and lifeless. The Omega 3 fatty acids present in seafood give proper nutrition to your hair follicles, resulting in healthy hair.

Highly beneficial for pregnant women
Seafood is highly beneficial for pregnant women – it nourishes both the mother and fetus. If the mother is deficient in the essential fatty acids seafood provides, then the fetus tends to harbor cognitive deficits, behavioral deficits, psychomotor problems after birth, and also visual problems like blindness. These fatty acids are also required for the development and maintenance of the structure and function of the fetus’ retina.

Helps to alleviate depression
Seafood is long known to reduce depression . This is especially true in the case of pregnant women. The incidence of postpartum blues is low in women who consume seafood regularly.

Source of vitamin-D
Seafood also contains Vitamin-D, which makes it a useful alternative source of the vitamin. Fatty fishes like Salmon, Tuna, Sardines, etc. contain more amounts of fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin D is important for the body to properly absorb calcium and phosphorus.

So, remember to include seafood in your diet, and choose the healthy way of life.