6 Juices You Should Never Say No To

6 Juices You Should Never Say No To

Juices are a favorite beverage among many people, including individuals who exercise often. Depending on the type of juice you select, you may get ample vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy calories. And, of course, juices taste amazing.

Drinking juices have not been popular in recent years due to some people stating that juices contain more calories than what is needed daily. Although, the caloric content of juices should not deter you from enjoying a healthy treat.

Even if you are currently looking to lose weight , there are some juices that you should incorporate into your daily diet. Listed below are six juice options that you should never say no to regardless of what your weight is.

6 Must-Have Juices:

Celery Juice

This is not your typical juice that you will find in the store, but if you run across this juice, you should go for it. Celery juice is great after your workout, as part of a midday snack , or in the morning to jumpstart your day. Celery juice is also a natural laxative. This tasty drink is also low in calories.

Watermelon Juice

Watermelon is a great summertime fruit and is rich in vitamins C and A . Watermelon juice may be the best juice for you after your resistance training workout at the gym. Some researchers state that watermelon contains certain amino acids that can help reduce the rate at which your muscles become sore following a workout. Watermelon juice also helps in providing the necessary vitamins and minerals for post-workout recovery. Consider drinking fresh watermelon juice.

Coconut Juice

This is quite possibly the biggest trend around these days, and it’s something you should jump on board with. Coconut juice, also known as coconut water , is loaded with water , potassium, and magnesium- which rejuvenate you after a challenging day, a strenuous workout, or when you just feel dry. Consider drinking coconut water daily for best results, and enjoy it cold.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice is a beverage that offers a good amount of nutrients while keeping the calorie count low. The high amount of antioxidants that are available per serving of pomegranate juice can help to keep you healthy. Some studies state that there are more antioxidants per serving of pomegranate juice than a typical glass of wine- so drink up as often as you please!

Carrot Juice

Carrots contain ample vitamin A as well as phytochemicals, which are compounds that help regulate blood sugar and fight infections. In addition, carrot juice is a perfect option at lunch time, when you are craving coffee or want to take a nap. So, just relax with a refreshing carrot juice on ice to help pick up your energy levels and finish your day strong.

Kale Juice

Kale is quite possibly the best food around since it is technically classified as a superfood . Known for containing high levels of vitamins K, C, and A, kale also is loaded with antioxidants, minerals (including potassium) and compounds that help to drastically boost your energy levels. Consider having kale juice daily- make it at home or purchase it fresh from your friendly neighbourhood organic store.