6 Yoga Poses to Ease Menstrual Cramps

6 Yoga Poses to Ease Menstrual Cramps

Over 80% of women all over the world have suffered menstruation-related pain and discomfort at some point in time in their lives. In fact, every month, most women look for menstrual cramps pain relief methods and medications or simply skip their daily activities because of extreme discomfort. However, the medicines often prove to be rather useless, if not of subsequent negative effects.

Yoga, on the other hand, is considered to be one of the best natural remedies for menstrual cramps. Yoga, which offers several benefits to women, has the power to soothe your menstrual pain while also calming down your mind during this hormonally-imbalanced period. Here are six best yoga poses for menstrual cramps pain relief .

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Child’s pose (Bālāsana)

If your menstrual pain originates mainly from the back, this child’s pose will turn out to be really comforting for you. This is mostly a go-to resting pose in which you need to stretch your lower back muscles and breathe deeply into the back. Relax through the hips and notice the breath rise and fall throughout your body. Let your torso rest on your thighs, which will further remove your fatigue. You can put a pillow under the torso for added comfort.

Forward fold pose (Uttanasana)

As one of the best menstrual cramp remedies, this yoga pose requires you to stretch your hips and lengthen the spine. With this pose, you will stand up and bend over, which is necessary for a proper circulation, especially after sitting for long. This pose is ideal for those who suffer pain in the legs and around the calves and back during menstruation.

Cat/cow pose( Marjariasana)

Requiring a bit more movement than the other ones, this menstrual cramps pain relief yoga pose beautifully warms up your body and relieves your pain. The stretching of the abdominal muscles, in turn, tones up your body. With these effects on your body, your mind is also soothed and your emotional balance is restored.

Supine Twist Pose (Supta Jaṭhara Parivartānāsana)

Detoxify your body and rejuvenate your inner organs with this yoga pose, which can be considered a great menstrual cramps treatment procedure. Engage in a reclined spinal twist posture by letting your legs, hips, and shoulders relax. Prop your knees on top of a pillow for easy twisting.

Knees-to-chest pose (Apanasana)

Yet another effective yoga for painful menstrual cramps, this is a totally feel-good posture that lets you relax. As you lie down with your knees touching the chest, your abdominal muscle gets relaxed, relieves the tension, and reduces the pain. It is also a great relaxing therapy for your mind that reduces your anxiety and enables the internal organs for a better circulation.

Corpse pose (Savasana)

Although a simple rest pose, this posture benefits you by controlling your breath and letting your body feel the support of the ground below you. It works amazingly with your mind, removing anxieties and taking it away from the pain and discomfort.

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All these yoga poses work wonders for menstrual cramps pain relief. For best results, make sure you complete them in Yin Fashion that is, holding passive poses for 3-5 minutes. So, indulge in this amazing activity called Yoga and let its magic work on your body and mind not just during menstruation, but always.

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