7 Foods That Increase Testosterone Levels

7 Foods That Increase Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is not only useful for men. But women need testosterone too and it needs to be balanced in the body. Without adequate testosterone, women can have weaker bones, reduced muscle mass, and low libido. Anyone can boost testosterone levels naturally by eating the right foods. Some natural foods increase testosterone really well. With food, you don’t need to rely on supplements for testosterone.

Here are seven foods that you can eat to boost testosterone



Coconut is a source of saturated fat that is actually healthy for the body. The body needs saturated fats to produce testosterone. Coconut is not only one of the best testosterone-boosting foods you can eat but it can also help you lose weight and maintain optimum cholesterol levels. Weight maintenance is essential for good hormonal health. You can eat fresh coconut on a regular basis to boost testosterone. You can also consume it in oil form. Coconut is high in fat but it is all good for the body. It can lower cholesterol levels and aid various metabolic functions in the body. All these functions are helpful in maintaining optimal testosterone levels in the body. Add coconut oil to your salad or as an ingredient for your homemade baked goods.

Recommended Read:  10 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil



Oysters contain zinc, which is an essential nutrient for testosterone production. You can add oysters in your daily diet to boost testosterone levels naturally.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the best natural testosterone boosters. The fat content in olive oil is optimal for testosterone production. It also contains a compound called oleuropein that can boost testosterone production. It is high in antioxidants, which create a supportive environment in the body for healthy testosterone levels.



If you are looking for foods that boost testosterone levels naturally then adding pomegranate to your regular diet may help. This bright red fruit contains very high levels of antioxidants that can aid in testosterone production. Pomegranate is also good for the heart and helps to control plaque production in arteries. When blood pressure is normal and the heart is healthy; your body can naturally have optimum levels of testosterone.

Recommended Read:  Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice



Tuna is rich in vitamin D, which can boost testosterone production in the body. One serving of this healthy fish is sufficient for an adult’s daily requirement for vitamin D. You can eat it in canned form or use it as a fresh ingredient for healthy meals.



Beans are rich in zinc and also contain some amount of vitamin D. You can add kidney, white or black beans to your diet to stimulate the production of testosterone in your body. Beans are a healthy source of plant protein, which you can eat on daily basis. You can use different varieties in various forms such as steamed or baked to make healthy meals.

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Vitamin D is essential for testosterone production. To boost testosterone, you can begin to eat eggs at least 2-3 times a week. Egg yolks are rich in vitamin D . Very few foods contain vitamin D naturally. If you don’t have a heart condition and if your cholesterol levels are normal, eating egg yolks every day is also not a problem. In fact, the healthy fat in egg yolk is not bad for your heart health.

Recommended Read:  Health Benefits of Egg Whites

If you experience symptoms like fatigue, high blood pressure, and reduced strength then low testosterone levels may be the cause behind them. Eating natural foods won’t harm the body like supplements can and help you maintain balanced testosterone levels.

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