7 Foods You Should Avoid at Breakfast

7 Foods You Should Avoid at Breakfast

You would no doubt have come across the old adage about eating “Breakfast like a king”. It is certainly an adage worth translating into action in your daily life. Having a good breakfast is essential when it comes to leading a healthier life. And a healthy breakfast must consist of fibers, proteins, and healthy fat. Morning food must translate into energy and not make the body lethargic or sloppy. Having the wrong breakfast can lead to sluggishness, increased weight, and increased susceptibility to chronic diseases. Read on to learn about some of the food items that should definitely not be on your breakfast table.


Cereals are considered to be among the most nutritious and convenient diet options. They are a good source of micronutrients such as Vitamin A and iron. However, they are not suitable as a breakfast food item. Cereal packages tend to mislead the consumer. Contrary to the claims of manufacturers, the fact is that they are highly processed, and contain a minuscule amount of whole grain. The artificially added nutrients complete the process of food fortification. Independent researchers have demonstrated that it diminishes immunity among children, as these packages are mostly grains and sugar. This even includes packets of granola and oats.

Fruit Juices

Fruit Juices
This revelation should be quite startling, as fruit juice is a staple part of breakfast for people of all age groups. However, fruit juice cans are stuffed with a high quantity of sugar, or high-fructose corn syrup, for sweetening. These additional ingredients are bound to increase the concentration of sugar content in the body – which increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc. This is a concern even with 100% fruit juice packages.
Granola Bars

Granola Bars
These are not much healthier than candy bars. There is no doubt that unprocessed oats have high fiber content . However, the granola bars also have high sugar content. Even the most popular granola bar brands contain additional honey, sugar, and fructose corn syrup. They may even consist of chocolate chips and dried fruits that add extra calories. Moreover, as their protein content is not that significant, they do not qualify as a healthy breakfast option.

Bread Toast

Bread Toast
Toast with butter or margarine is not healthy breakfast options. Butters and portions of margarine contain trans fats, that increases cholesterol levels in the body and increase the risk of heart disease. It might be the most convenient option in the morning rush. However, since it contains no protein or fiber, and is instead replete with non-recommended carbohydrates, there is no reason to include it as part of a healthy diet. It can instead be replaced with a vegetable omelette, which is substantial and fulfilling.

Pancakes and Waffles

Pancakes and Waffles
These are a stylish and popular choice of breakfast for many urban families, especially on weekends. However, they are unfortunately not a smart choice for breakfast. Both these items have common ingredients cooked in different ways- eggs, flour, milk, and sugar. They are relatively rich in both proteins as well as refined flour. It has been proven that refined grains like wheat flour lead to insulin resistance and obesity. Moreover, the addition of pancake syrup that consists of high-fructose corn syrup is grossly unhealthy altogether. Even if it is replaced with maple syrup, the sugar content of these items remains higher than the recommended levels.

Sweetened Non-fat yogurt

Sweetened Non-fat yogurt
Another breakfast favorite is the flavored yogurt. The fact that consumption of yogurt every morning is healthy is a myth. The startling problem with them is that they contain more sugar than normal ice-creams. Fats take longer than carbohydrates to get digested. It also lacks the natural dairy essence that induces a feeling of fullness.


Coffee is culturally and economically the most favored beverage of all time. However, coffee is best avoided during breakfast, for the simple fact that it contains caffeine and is not a morning nourisher. People use it with an additional amount of sugar or syrup, which is yet another undesirable breakfast habit.

The list of foods to avoid for breakfast also includes muffins, bacon, and sausages, given their low utility in the morning checklist for nutrition and energy booster. Breakfast must never be skipped; rather healthier options and alternatives must be explored. Above all, the aforementioned items should be avoided as far as possible, for breakfast to truly be the start of a healthy day.

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