7 Home Remedies for Hangovers

7 Home Remedies for Hangovers

In reality, there is no magic solution to your problem and those “hangover cures” you can pick up at the convenience store are virtually worthless. Your body starts to feel the effects of alcohol the next day and nausea, weakness, and headache you’re feeling can go away only if you try to counteract them in the most practical and healthy way. That includes rest to let your system recover, water to rehydrate your body, and some way to replenish the essential vitamins you lose overnight.

Here are some home remedies to help you cure your hangover:

Excessive alcohol can dehydrate your body. One of the best natural remedies for a hangover is to keep drinking water throughout the day. Ensure that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water when you know there will be an evening of binge drinking. You should continue drinking water the following morning as well. Ensure that you stay away from caffeinated drinks because caffeine increases dehydration, thus making hangover symptoms worse.

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar reduces the toxicity and also helps bring about pH balance. All you need to do is add half a teaspoon to a glass of water and drink it the morning, after or before going to bed.

All you need to do is ensure that you have a meal with eggs the next day. The cysteine in eggs helps rid the body of toxins, thus reducing the hangover symptoms.

As the body gets dehydrated, it loses electrolytes and the body also loses a lot of potassium. Bananas, being rich in potassium, can be a tasty answer for your hangover remedy. You can slice one up on your morning toast or whip up a quick banana smoothie.

Lemon or any other citrus fruit
Vitamin C is one of the best hangover remedies. Just add lemon juice to water the morning; it will help you get rid of toxins in the body. You can also have orange or tomato juice.

Exercise might not seem like a comforting option when you have a hangover and a headache not letting you get out of bed. But a bit of exercise the morning after can get rid of the hangover. A brisk walk gets your blood circulation up in the body and to the brain as well, thus reducing the hangover symptoms.

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Ginger tea
Add a few slices of ginger to water and boil it for about 8 to 10 minutes. Add some honey, lemon juice, and orange juice and you have your ginger tea ready.

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