7 Most Common Sports Injuries

7 Most Common Sports Injuries

Sports can help you to maintain your fitness and keep you in great shape. But sometimes you might injure yourself while playing a game. Here are some common sports injuries and their prevention methods:

Recommended Read:  How to Prevent Sports Injuries

Runner’s knee
The name could be misleading sometimes as it is not just the runners who face it but also swimmers, cyclists, football players, basketball players, volleyball players, and those who practice aerobics. It is not a specific type of injury but is a broad name for several knee injuries. This problem occurs when the knee is subjected to excessive stress or due to weak thigh muscles or a broken cartilage.
Prevention: Keep your thigh muscles strong with regular exercises and maintain a healthy weight. It is advised to warm up before your workout begins .

Recommended Read:  Safe Sports For People With Bad Knees

Ankle Sprain
An ankle sprain occurs when you move your leg suddenly, which twists your ankle inwards. This sometimes may even result in a tendon or ligament tear. This is very common in games that involve a lot of running, jumping, and quick turning like football, basketball, volleyball, tennis etc.
Prevention: Stretching before and after the exercise is vital. Do exercises that strengthen your ankle and improve balance. Try taping and bracing.

Tennis Elbow:
When you repeatedly use your elbow for backhand strokes in sports like tennis and golf. This leads to severe pain and is a result of inflammation of the epicondyle.
Prevention: Wearing an elbow brace is advisable. Go for forearm strengthening exercises. Also, focus on improving your swinging technique.

Recommended Read:  Symptoms & Diagnosis: Tennis Elbow

Shin splints
Shin splints are the result of running and jumping on hard surfaces, increasing the workout intensity without proper experience, and not wearing well-cushioned shoes.
Prevention: Wear cushioned shoes that are in good condition. Practice stretching and cross training along with other exercises.

Groin strain
A groin strain is a result of the sudden shift in direction while running. This is common among those playing football, basketball, volleyball, soccer, hockey etc.
Prevention: Do strengthening exercises and increase the intensity of the workout over a period of time.

Achilles tendinitis
The Achilles tendon is at the back of your ankle. It is common among runners and athletes. It can become chronic, which can make running impossible.
Prevention: This problem can be cured through a regular practice of strengthening exercises for calf muscles as well as stretching.

Hamstring strain
Hamstring is the name given to the muscles at the back of the thigh. Any strain on these muscles including a tear sends a sharp pain. This is common among those sports that involve a lot of running, jumping, and sudden movements like football, soccer, running, skating etc.
Prevention: Proper warm-up and lower back strengthening exercises are crucial. Exercises that strengthen the flutes are also important.

Recommended Read:  How To Stay Fit When You’re Injured

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