7 Must-Have Foods to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

7 Must-Have Foods to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Some people refer to their dietary habits as “stressful eating.” While you may have found that stressful eating is something that can surely damage your figure over time, there is some good news. It turns out that eating when you are stressed out is actually something that you should try.
Eating when you are stressed out can actually help to ease your anxiety and stress. The caveat of this notion of eating to reduce anxiety is that you cannot fill yourself with fried foods, fatty foods, or carbohydrate-rich comfort foods. In order to gain the benefit, your diet will need to include some of the best available options. Listed below are seven foods you should eat to lower your anxiety and to cut out the stress in your life.

7 Best Anti Anxiety Foods:

Avocado helps lower your anxiety and stress

1. Avocado

During times of stress and anxiety in your life, your body goes through many processes that can damage your health. One of the most damaging processes your body experiences is inflammation, which is caused by a combination of increased blood pressure and circulating stress compounds. In times of high anxiety, your body secretes more of these compounds, which can certainly accelerate ill health. Fortunately, you can eat an avocado when you are feeling high levels of anxiety and stress. Avocados are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which are health-protecting compounds that help to reduce heart disease risk by reducing anxiety and stress in the body. Consider eating a medium-sized avocado when anxiety is at its peak in your life.

Eating Salmon helps reduce anxiety and stress

2. Salmon

Similar to the avocado, salmon is a food option that offers some of the most abundant omega-3 fatty acids per serving. The best variety of salmon is the Wild Alaskan salmon that is freshly caught. If possible, consider eating fresh salmon two to three times per week to help reduce anxiety levels. Some studies have also shown salmon to be beneficial for people who are taking antidepressants. So make sure to ask your doctor for more information on how salmon will work best for your health.

Greek strained yogurt helps reduce anxiety and stress

3. Greek Strained Yogurt

There has been a lot of talk about Greek strained yogurt in the media and for good reason. Greek strained yogurt offers probiotics and is a great source of protein. This kind of yogurt has been shown to reduce anxiety levels by increasing the production of serotonin – which is the “happy feeling” hormone that circulates in your body. In order to get these amazing anxiety reducing benefits, be sure to look for Greek strained yogurt. The food label should only include milk and active bacterial cultures.

Oysters help reduce anxiety and stress

4. Oysters

Oysters are a delicacy in many parts of the U.S., but the good news is that if you live in a coastal region you can indulge on oysters easily. Studies have shown that anxiety can be triggered by decreased zinc levels in the body, which can be resolved by fresh oysters. Think of it this way; about six moderately sized oysters provide close to 80 mg of pure zinc, which is more than your daily requirements. Eat up when the anxiety builds throughout the day.

Kefir helps reduce anxiety and stress

5. Kefir

If you have ever been to the health food section in your grocery store, you may have seen kefir in the refrigerated section near the yogurts. Kefir is a probiotic style of product/beverage that is one of the best options for reducing stress and anxiety from your life. Kefir is surprisingly a great option for increasing the amount of free floating serotonin in the body. In addition, any kind of bacterial imbalance in your intestines can cause your brain chemistry to be off, and this can be easily remedied by consuming kefir more often.

Blueberries help reduce anxiety and stress

6. Blueberries

Quite possibly the best fruit you can enjoy, blueberries are one of the most powerful foods. Not only are they loaded with vitamins and minerals, but the combination of nutrients that blueberries offer also help to calm the body. Consider snacking on a handful of blueberries throughout the day to take some of the edge off from your day.

Consuming Turkey helps reduce anxiety and stress

7. Turkey

Highly known as a hearty meal for Thanksgiving, turkey is a great food option for anyone who is feeling higher than normal levels of anxiety and stress. You may have noticed that following the consumption of turkey you get a tad tired. This tired feeling is due to the protein tryptophan being released in the blood, which is a protein that helps to secrete serotonin in the body. If you are feeling a little at edge, especially during the holidays, consider eating more of this delicious food to help reduce your levels of anxiety.