7 Signs that you are Overweight

7 Signs that you are Overweight

Excess weight is a growing problem around the world and there are many factors that play into the increasing waistlines. Obesity has recently been termed a disease and while many consider it to be a condition that affects esthetics, it is can lead to a plethora of diseases and illnesses. While it is fairly easy to see when your weight is growing, there are some signs to suggest that you are actually overweight.

Seven important signs to pay attention to that suggest that you are overweight are:

Weigh your weight with a scale

1. The Scale is the First Place

The scale should be your first indicator that your weight is getting out of hand. While there is no exact number you should stay at your entire life, the scale will be able to give you a reasonable estimate of where you are in your body weight. If you have not been to the gym and you recently have gained five pounds, this could be a sign that you are gaining weight. Also, your doctor can give you a good understanding of where you should be at with your weight, so if you go above that, then you probably have too much around the waist.

BMI - Body Mass Index

2. BMI – Body Mass Index

If you are still unsure as to if you are overweight, one of the simplest measurements you can make is using the BMI. BMI stands for Body Mass Index and it compares your body weight in kilograms to your height in meters squared. There are simple online calculators to utilize, but if your BMI is between 25-29.9, then you are overweight. Any BMI above 30 means you are obese. If you are a muscular or athletic person and workout every day of the week, this method will not be for you, as your muscle mass is not taken into consideration in this measurement.

Clothes not fitting? Probably a sign of being overweight.

3. Do your Clothes Fit?

Perhaps you do not have a scale at home. If this is the case, you can utilize the simplest method to assess your body size. (usually jeans are the easiest for this method). If your clothing no longer fits as it used to then this could indicate that you have gained fat mass. Jeans are the best for this method. Although, do note that this could also mean that you are carrying a lot of excess fluid in your body, a condition that requires medical help.

For a more in-depth understanding of how to lose those unwanted extra pounds, do check out our Weight Loss Guide .

Difficulty in Exercising.

4. Exercise is Becoming Difficult

If you go to the gym often, or used to, and you took a break for a month or so, and all of a sudden it is hard to do some of the exercises you were once accustomed to, then this could not only indicate that you have become out of shape, but that you are also now overweight. There typically is not a big correlation with body size and level of fitness, but when your typical exercises become challenging it could mean that you have put on a few unwanted pounds.

Experiencing Fatigue

5. Fatigue

It is normal to be tired throughout the day, but if you are all of a sudden feeling drained all day even with a good night’s sleep, then it could mean you are overweight. Consider making efforts to be more active through the day, even if you feel fatigued.

Poor Dieting Habits.

6. Poor Dieting Habits

This is probably the most important sign for anyone who is gaining weight. Diet plays a major factor and if you are eating meals out at least three times per week, then this is a little concerning. Eating out for lunch at work is the most common way to add unwanted weight, and for many, this is a blind way to add weight. If you must eat out at lunch for work, consider eating as light as possible and consider having fresh salads or fruits instead of fries, and lay off the soda and the alcohol this early in the day. Having a healthy breakfast is also another key dietary habit crucial to maintaining and losing weight.

And if you need to lose those pounds fast, it would be worth reading up on Rapid Weight Loss .

Adverse effects of Alcohol on Health

7. Alcohol

As adults, it is only reasonable to consume alcohol with dinner at night, as it helps us unwind. After all, doctors recommend a glass of wine every night for overall heart health. However, alcohol can quickly cause weight gain by stopping the metabolic processes in your body that use fat as energy. This means that you gain fat mass at a faster rate without even knowing it. The best thing to do is to drink in moderation and avoid heavy drinks that have a lot of calories .