7 Things You Can Do That May Reduce Your Dementia Risk

7 Things You Can Do That May Reduce Your Dementia Risk

The term dementia refers to conditions with symptoms that include decline of memory and other mental faculties. While there is no cure of dementia yet, you can certainly take steps to prevent it. There are many helpful tips to prevent dementia. You can use the ones that you identify with or are able to utilize on a regular basis.
Here are seven things you can do for dementia prevention. You need to take measures for preventing dementia as early in life as you can for the best results.

Eat a healthy diet

Diet plays an important role in keeping the brain healthy. If you have wondered how to prevent dementia naturally then this is the tip for you. You can simply reduce trans fats and other unhealthy food sources from your diet. Dementia prevention diet needs to be low on refined carbohydrates and sugar. Include sources of omega-3s that help keep your brain healthy. You can eat nuts, seeds and oily fish. Eat more berries, cauliflower, broccoli and leafy greens. Include olive oil, whole grains and beans in your regular diet.

Recommended Read:  Five lifestyle tips for people diagnosed with dementia

Perform regular exercise

If you have wondered ‘how to prevent dementia in old age’ then one answer is –exercise. Regular exercise can keep the brain active and healthy. It can also improve cognitive functions. Include activities that provide cardiovascular benefits as well as strengthen your muscles. Perform yoga to improve balance and coordination. One of the best tips to prevent dementia is to simply remain physically active through planned exercise routines as well as through fun physical activities such as swimming, running, gardening or playing a sport.

Keep the brain active

Your brain can rust if it is not stimulated on a regular basis. One of the most helpful tips to prevent dementia is to keep learning new things in life. Play memory games with your partner or friends. Learn new skills. Solve puzzles, play video games and try new experiences.

Manage your stress

Chronic stress can shrink your brain’s capacity to store memories. Stress can also interfere with the growth of nerve cells and affect memory. Stress management is often used in terms of physical health benefits. But it can be one of the most useful tips to prevent dementia that you can come across and can improve your brain function from an early age. Practice deep breathing and meditation. Include fun activities in your routine life. Aim to achieve peace of mind.

Recommended Read:  Dementia – Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options

Sleep well

Disturbed sleep over a prolonged period can increase your risk of dementia. Proper sleep is required for memory retention and formation. Disturbed sleep can also interfere with the brain’s functioning. Seek treatment for insomnia or disturbed sleep if it is a chronic condition. Proper sleep can protect your memory in later years of your life and is one of the best tips to prevent dementia.

Be socially active

Social contact is necessary to keep brain active. Quality time with friends can keep stress away and the brain healthy. Social engagement is also important for cognitive health. Without social stimulation, the brain cannot receive the requisite stimulation. Social interactions can keep cognitive functions smooth and your brain happy. Quality social interactions are beneficial for mental health. Your social life can be the key to keep your memory intact and your brain functioning well!

Quit smoking

Smoking can increase your risk of developing dementia. If you smoke, quitting the habit as early as possible can be crucial in keeping dementia away.

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