7 Workouts You Can Do In A Park

7 Workouts You Can Do In A Park

Early morning outdoor workouts not only rejuvenate your body but are also useful when it comes to building muscle and shedding weight . And what could be a better place to accomplish all that than in a park – surrounded by greenery, peace, and quiet; not to mention being able to take in some fresh air! So, if you are all set to start with a new fitness regime and don’t want to hit the gym, then an open park is the right place for you.

That said, you might be wondering what would be the best workouts to perform in a park. Read on for a list of seven such workouts, that are perfect when it comes to shedding those unwanted pounds, and gaining some muscles along the way:

  • Start with your legs: In a park, just with a park bench, you can do a lot with your legs by stepping them up. Step up is a great exercise for the leg muscles, as it tones the muscles and provides energy as well. If you want to do it, you need to step with your right foot first, and then put forward the left knee towards the sky in an upward direction. If you cannot throw and bend your leg up towards the sky, you can just step up and stand in a straight position. You can do a set of 10 reps per day, which will be sufficient to strengthen your ligaments, shed extra weight, and tone your muscles properly.
  • How about some push ups?: Start with elevated pushups which can be done on a park bench. To do this, you need to make your abs and butt tight and place your elbows on the side of your body. Move up by enforcing the weight of your body on your elbows and toes; rest and move down. For lower incline pushups, you need to use the bench as a support and place your arms on it with your legs on the park ground. Now push the bench with your arms, and then lift your body; rest for few seconds in that position, relax and move down. You must aim for a minimum three sets of 10 pushups and if you can push yourself more, then go for a set of twenty and repeat it three times for the right outdoor fitness.
  • Pulling yourself up: Start with some swing rows where you have to hold a chain of swings in the park. Tightly hold the chain, lean backward and keep your body straight and tight; then pull yourself up by using your back and the muscles of your arms. For the next level, you need to find a bar which is high enough and hang yourself on that with your hands/arms and try to pull yourself up. While doing the pull ups, you should keep your chest in an upward direction with the chin up and the core rigid.
  • Make some lunges: If you are new to lunges, you should start slow. Transform into a straddle stance position and keep sufficient distance between your legs so that when you are bending, your knees don’t go beyond your toes. Move down on the ground and then slowly move up. You need to complete eight reps with one leg and then switch to the other leg for another eight reps. For the experienced ones, you can go with keeping your hands on your hip and slowly move down with your left knee on the ground while stepping out the right leg. Keep a check that your knees don’t extend beyond your toes.
  • Making the core stronger: Crunches are easy to do in a park setup and is regarded as one of the best outdoor workouts. To start, you can lie on the bench or the ground on your back and spread your legs in a 90-degree angle with your arms by your side. Start flexing your belly and pull your leg up and knees toward your face.
  • Do some squats: Squats are mandatory if you want to tone your stomach and body. To do this, you need to stand with your knees bent slightly, and your feet should have shoulder-length distance between them. Try to make your thighs parallel by squatting down towards the ground and then jump as high as you can. Land softly without putting much pressure and then repeat the whole process.
  • Dips: Hold yourself on parallel bars and then move down your body until the time you see your upper arms are parallel to the park’s ground. A set of 10 reps is enough to start with.