7 Yoga Techniques That Are Perfect For Beginners

7 Yoga Techniques That Are Perfect For Beginners

Yoga is the world’s most illuminating and enlivening exercise. Its long-term effects are unparalleled by any other medical practice. A technique that originated in ancient India, Yoga has gained massive popularity across the globe. Yoga improves flexibility, builds muscle strength, protects the spinal cord, helps facilitate greater blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, improves focus, relaxes the nervous system, and has a host of other transformational benefits. Yoga is a progressive methodology, wherein postures and comfort levels evolve with time and relentless practice. Similarly, the health benefits of yoga become gradually apparent but are long-lasting.

If you are new to yoga, you need not get intimidated by the complex yoga routine and very flexible bodies of trainers. Read on for a few techniques that can be easily practiced by those who are new to this ancient discipline.


Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

You need to stand tall, ensuring that your feet are together, shoulders remain relaxed and weight is evenly distributed throughout the soles. The arms need to remain at the sides. This pose teaches you to stand poised and steady. Through the involvement of major muscles, this posture strengthens focus and concentration. The torso has to be elongated while inhalation and shoulder blades have to be released away from the head during exhalation. The collarbone has to be broadened and neck elongated. In this pose, ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles should all be in one line.


Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

This pose gives a sense of grounding and improves the balance of the body. You need to stand with your arms at your sides, replicating the posture of a tree. While placing the body’s weight on the left leg, the sole of the right foot has to be placed on the left thigh. The hips must be facing forward. Once the balancing is done, hands must be placed in a prayer position with palms joined together. With one exhalation, arms need to be extended over the shoulders, then palms must get separated facing each other. This can be continued for 30 seconds.

Adho Mukho Svanasana

Adho Mukho Svanasana (Downward dog Pose)

This highly energizing posture stretches hamstrings and chest and also lengthens the spine. It also provides additional blood flow to the head. One needs to start on all fours, with hands under the shoulders and knees under the hips. You need to walk a step forward and spread your fingers wide, and the palms need to be pressed to the mat. The body should be inverted as a V while pressing shoulders away from the ears. This has to be done for 3 breaths. Your feet should be hip-width apart.


Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

This is the best pose for stretching the legs and torso. It helps mobilization of the hips and accentuates deep breathing. You need to stand with your legs 3 feet apart, toes on the right foot to 90 degrees and left foot to 45 degrees. The arms need to be extended out to sides, bending over the right leg. Let the right hand touch the floor or the end of the right leg, below or above the knee. Extend the left hand towards the ceiling. While gazing at the ceiling, pose for 5 breaths.


Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

This is one of the most intense poses, that adds strength to the muscles of your legs and arms. It builds willpower and has an enlivening effect on the body as well as the mind. Standing with feet slightly apart, stretch the arms without bending the elbow. Inhale and bend the knees while pushing the pelvis down as if sitting in a chair. While keeping your hands parallel to the ground, and your back straight, take deep breaths. Make sure that the knees don’t go beyond the toes while bending gradually.


Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This exercise is to strengthen the lower back muscles as it cushions the spines, triceps and exposes the chest to incessant inhalation. One needs to lie face down on the floor while thumbs are directed under the shoulders. The legs must be extended with the top of your feet on the floor. While tightening the pelvic floor, tuck the hips downwards. Keep the shoulders pressed down and away from the ears. Put equal pressure on both hands, relax and repeat.


Balasana (Child’s Pose)

This is a restful surrender where one needs to sit up comfortably on heels. Bringing the forehead to rest on the bed in front, roll the torso forward. Lower the chest comfortably to the knees, extending the arms in the front. Breathe while holding the pose.

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