8 Ways to Squeeze Fitness Into Your Day

8 Ways to Squeeze Fitness Into Your Day

Are you too busy for regular workouts? Is your schedule making it difficult for you to get some physical activity done? Don’t worry! You are not alone. A good number of Americans face this problem every day.

This is why we bring you eight ways how you can squeeze fitness into your day:

Switch your car for a bicycle!
If you are someone who regularly drives a car to work, then switch your car with a bike . These are the advantages biking to work:

  • It will give you necessary workout
  • You will stay fit
  • It will save fuel
  • It is environment-friendly
  • It is a low-impact exercise which will help strengthen your legs, knees, and ankles
  • Research shows that biking also helps relieve stress

Do simple exercises at your desk
If you are sitting at your desk staring at your computer screen for hours, you are at risk of having vision problems, neck strain and lower backache. Here are a few simple things that you can do at your desk:

  • Take small breaks from time to time
  • Stare away from the monitor once in a while
  • Rotate your eyeballs to prevent fatigue of the muscles of your eye
  • Get up from your desk and walk around in the corridor
  • Do simple stretching like leg flexion, leg extension, and arm rotation
  • Rotate your wrists and ankles
  • Touch your toes to relieve back spasms

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Eat right
You are what you eat! This is why, if you want to shed unwanted pounds, first of all, you must cut off all those things in your life that bring in those extra pounds. Here are a few modifications in your diet that could help you be healthy:

  • Avoid unplanned snacking
  • Have a healthy and balanced breakfast
  • Drink green tea
  • Avoid sugary drinks and beverages
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Eat healthy snacks like kale chips, hummus, proteinaceous snacks, etc.
  • Don’t eat when you are stressed
  • Make sure that you eat lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Never miss spinach for more than two days in a row

Use the stairs at work
Avoiding the elevators at work and using the stairs instead will help you squeeze in ten to fifteen minutes of workout. A simple walk up and down the stairs briskly is equivalent to ten Burpees! Therefore, when you are entering your office, or using the pantry, or taking a break, try taking the stairs instead.

Do abdomen exercises when you watch T.V.
Don’t just lie on a couch when you are watching T.V. Rather, lie flat on the floor, keep your eyes on TV, and also keep tucking your tummy with abdomen exercises. Remember to alternatively, relax and contract your abdominal muscles too. So, now get a good 30-minute workout while watching the latest episode of your favourite T.V. series.

Do squats in the kitchen
This is an effective way to exercise when you don’t find the time. Take a journal and make it a point to do 100 squats per day.

  • Do ten squats while brushing your teeth
  • Another ten squats while cooking
  • Ten squats while you are getting ready for work
  • Ten squats before you take a shower
  • Ten squats right after getting back from work
  • Ten squats during other times of the day
  • Ten squats before going to sleep
  • Ten squats before dinner
  • Ten squats at work, if possible

This way, if you keep on adding those squats in multiples of ten, you will surely be able to do 100 squats. And 100 squats a day is a very good number to stay fit.

Lift those water bottles
If you don’t have time to lift weights in the gym, here are few simple ways to do it. All you need is two water bottles of one liter each that are filled with water. Here are the simple ways to use them:

  • During a break, consider those water bottles to be two one-kg dumbbells and start doing bicep curls
  • Do alternate front raises
  • Do flies
  • Do lateral raises
  • Do simple deadlifts

If you can do this for a week in a row, you are sure to see results.

Squeeze that butt
Whenever you are standing, may it be in the elevator, or in the corridor at work, on at your home, just alternately contract and relax the muscles of your butt. This will help you get a firm and shapely butt .

So remember, even if you think that you don’t have the time for working out, just following these simple tips can help you stay healthy and fit.