8 Workouts to Help You Get That Beach Body

8 Workouts to Help You Get That Beach Body

Summer’s fast approaching! Are you prepared for it? We all know how winters and festive season makes us add a few pounds. But since the season is about to change and summer is coming up, it is that time when beach sounds like the best place to be. Do you remember all those summer vacations spent at the beach with siblings or friends or at granny’s? Aren’t they some of your best memories? All the time spent at a beach is time spent well! When at the beach, we all want to look our best and oh, who doesn’t want to flaunt their beach bodies? But, that beachbody does need some effort. So, what can you do about it?

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We bring you easy beachbody workouts that you can follow to get that perfect body!

Lower body:

  • Plie squats: Start with spreading the legs wider that your shoulder, with toes pointed in 45 degrees angles. Keep the weight of your body on the heels and your back straight. Now Lower yourself into a deep squat so that your thigh is in parallel to the ground. Try to get as close as possible (ensure that your knee doesn’t surpass your toe). Push harder on your knees to get back in the standing position and repeat. This exercise will help to improve your strength and mobility.
  • Lateral:   Step out squat: Begin with your feet spread as wide as the shoulder. Now, fall into a squat position and take two steps towards your left and come back to original position. Repeat the sequence to your right. This exercise will help you work your hip, glutes and thighs
  • Fire hydrant:   Position yourself in a table top position on your hands and knees. Push your belly button towards your spine and engage your abs. While keeping your legs bent to a 90-degree angle. Keep our hips pointed towards the ground. In this position, raise your right knee out to the side as high as possible. Pause for a couple of seconds and come back to the original position. Repeat with your right leg.

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Arms exercise:

  • Push ups : Push ups are helpful to get the required impact! Position your body parallel to floor in plan position with weight push on the palms. Now, try to bend down to the floor by bending your elbows, to the extent that your chest touches the floor. Come back to the original position and repeat. If it becomes too difficult, rest your knees on the floor and do the push-ups.
  • Floor Bench press: Lie down with your back flat and knees bent. Hold dumbbells/ bottle of water (in case you don’t own dumbbells), raised towards ceiling and then lower them till your triceps reaches the floor. Repeat it in sets of 15.

Belly exercise:

  • Crunches: This is the most commonly heard-of exercise to lose belly fat . Guess what? It’s true!
    To begin, lie down flat on the floor with your knees bent, touching the ground. Place your hands behind your head or keep them crossed on the chest. While lifting your upper torso off the floor, exhale out, now get back to down to the floor to the original position. This is the highest fat burning exercise.
  • Bicycle: You don’t need to know bicycle of this one! Lie down on the floor with your hand behind your head or on your sides. Bend your knees while feet touching the ground. Now, bring your left knee close to the chest while keeping right leg as is. Now repeat the same with your right knee. Keep alternating as if you are using the bicycle.

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Leg crunches:

Start with lying on the floor with your legs extended upwards towards the ceiling and knees crossed one over the other. Now push your pelvis upwards and while lifting your upper body and then breathe out slowly. Repeat this for 12-16 times and try to continue this set for two or three sets as per your requirement.