9 Healthy Meals for Kids and Toddlers

9 Healthy Meals for Kids and Toddlers

For all the parents out there, making sure their kids eat healthy is a significant concern. The foodstuffs that you feed your kids on a regular basis like, cupcakes, chips, etc. may not be nutritionally healthy. The challenge lies in convincing your kids to set aside the burgers and pizzas and eat something nutritious.

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So, to help you with that, here are some ideas for healthy meals for kids. They are not only delicious but are packed with nutrients that are essential for your kids.

Twice baked sweet potatoes

The twice baked sweet potatoes are one of the best superfoods for your kids. It is packed with carbohydrates, sour cream, cheese, and bacon. All you have to do is take the best sweet potatoes, add the toppings of your choice and bake them.

Butternut squash alfredo with broccoli

The goodness of broccoli can significantly contribute to your kid’s health. It is an easy recipe that can be made on a regular basis or can be used for a kid’s party. Packed with amino acids, proteins, and fiber , this can be a complete food for lunch or dinner. All you need is butternut squash, broccoli, olive oil, nutmeg, and cheese. Make the butternut squash first, then prepare the pasta and cook them together in a pan. Once you are done with this, shred the cheese over it.

Cheesy spaghetti squash bake

It is a carbohydrate-rich veggie superfood that is full of nutrition. It’s one of the best food for both kids and grownups alike and comes with lots of antioxidants, fibers, and vitamins. All you need is fresh veggies, grilled chicken or boiled eggs and some cheesy sauce. Spread the same on a glass tray and add the cooked spaghetti over it. Then, shred some cheese on it and bake it.

Pumpkin macaroni and cheese recipe

This is a nutrient-packed dish that you can prepare on short notice. All you need is pumpkin, cheddar cheese, Greek yogurt, and milk. Garlic powder, salt, and pepper can also be useful for seasoning. You just have to add the grated pumpkin over it and add the boiled macaroni along with other seasonings to the preparation. Then bake it in an oven.

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Chicken salad celery sticks

Chicken is a favorite for many, and kids are no exception. It is full of protein and is relatively easier to cook than the other meals. You just have to mix the boiled and shredded chicken with some mayo or cheese, as you do for sandwiches. Wash some fresh celery first, and then cut and decorate the salad over it.

Coconut and butternut soup

Butternut is a well-known kid-friendly food that is rich in vitamins and minerals. You just have to cut the butternut and blend it. Add some water and coconut milk to it and simmer for some time. Add the seasoning as per your taste.

Grilled cheese and cauliflower sandwich

Another great healthy meal option for your kids Toss some boiled cauliflower with salt and pepper. Take some toasted bread slices and spread a bit of mayo or cheese over it. Add the tossed cauliflower which can also be fried or grilled to enhance its taste. If needed, add some ketchup which will give the preparation a tangy flavor.

Pork chops with sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in carbs that can be baked or boiled easily. This makes them a healthy and delicious meal for kids. Fry the pork chops in a pan by adding some salt and oregano to it. Stuff the chops with sweet potato over the same.

Egg pudding

Eggs are loaded with proteins. This makes it a great healthy meal to give your kids on a regular basis. Just add some condensed milk and sugar to the beaten eggs. Cook the same in a pressure cooker. It will hardly take ten minutes to cook this kid-friendly meal.

Having the aforementioned healthy meals is sure to satisfy your children’s taste buds while doing their young bodies a world of good!

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