9 Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling in the Summer

9 Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling in the Summer

Summer will be here faster than you think, and so will the time for vacationing. Most of you are on focused diet plans and exercise regimes to reach the ‘beach body’ goal. Soon you will be either on a plane or perhaps off on a road trip. You might already start to imagine yourself strutting out of your hotel room with your bikini or trunks, and sunglasses!

But all that effort that you have put to get into the beachbody is not something you want to go to waste due to overindulgence. To that end, here are some easy and effective summer travel health tips that you should keep in mind as you start to prepare for your travels in the hot months ahead:

1. Pack more than just clothes: Your summer outfits and beachwear are not the only things you should be concerned with while packing! Do be sure to pack some non-perishable low sugar snacks or protein bars. While on vacation, the possibility of unhealthy snacking is much higher. Easy access to healthy snacks or protein bars will help you to avoid this situation. Save those calories on scrumptious desserts or local delicacies

2. Eat balanced meals: The food options at all-inclusive resorts or hotel can very tempting, since the variety of food items in buffet is large. But try not to over indulge and go for a nutritionally balanced meal containing enough fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Include lean protein foods like – lean beef, fish, eggs, or tofu while savoring on small portion of delicious pizza or creamy pasta.

3. Exercise: You hardly have the time to exercise while travelling – this is a common excuse, but is it true? Vacations are when you have the maximum time in hand for yourself. Set a routine once you get to your destination. Maybe you can go for a run in the morning or may be a sunset jog will be as relaxing.

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4. Walk it up: This summer travel advice is one of the easiest one to follow. Unless you have an injury or illness, please walk as much as you can. Try to book a place which is at a walkable distance from famous tourist locations. You could rent a bike too, another fun exercise option.

5. Drink loads of water: Yes, you’ll no doubt love to grab a cold beer or two during the summer. But, the summer heat, combined with alcohol, will lead to dehydration. If you notice your fingers stiffening or notice any swelling, it means you’re dehydrated. Also, it’s not necessary that you will find taps readily available. Hence, it’s best to be better prepared and carry a bottle while travelling out. Keep sipping on the water at regular intervals and keep yourself hydrated

6. Get enough sleep: Early morning to late night tours can be exhausting, especially the ones where you’re constantly on the go! Sure, you want to visit all the places and see everything. But plan your itinerary such that you get to dose off till late morning. Be sure to make up for any lost sleep, and stay constantly refreshed!

7. Go easy on the booze: One beer pint is about 280 calories and a glass of wine contains 86 calories. So overdoing the booze is definitely far from a great idea, nutritionally speaking. Along with calories, another way alcohol damages your body is nutrition. So, skip alcohol for a couple of days and give your liver some breather

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8. Don’t forget your sunscreen: Yes, everyone loves the sun and sun tan post the dreary cold winters. But, there is such a thing as too much sun – namely, sunburn. So, don’t forget to look for UVA and UVB sun protection. Buy a minimum SPF 30+. You don’t want a face full of blisters on your hike or trek with backpack on your shoulders.

9. Learn basic first aid: It is important for you to be able to assess the situation and patiently take the action steps. This tip for healthy summer travel is especially important if you’re travelling to developing countries or interior places where medical aid is not easily accessible. It’s best to be prepared for such situations.

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