All You Need to Know About Vitamin B Supplements

All You Need to Know About Vitamin B Supplements

Vitamin B is a group of 8 vitamins and is commonly called the B Complex. This type of vitamin is usually found in animal and plant sources. However, when you eat an unbalanced diet and stay away from fresh and healthy food, you might need to take Vitamin B supplements to balance your body requirements.

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The 8 vitamins under the B complex group are:

  • Thiamin –This vitamin plays a critical role in energy metabolism and, therefore, in the growth, development, and function of cells.
  • Riboflavin – This vitamin helps cellular energy production
  • Niacin – This vitamin is important for healthy skin, cardiovascular health and also releases energy from food
  • Pantothenic Acid – This vitamin helps the energy to release from food
  • Vitamin B6 – This vitamin helps with more than 100 cellular reactions. Vitamin B6 is important for the production of red blood cells and helps your body extract energy from stored proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Biotin – This vitamin breaks down fat for easy consumption.
  • Folic acid – This vitamin is important for pregnant women.
  • Vitamin B12 – This vitamin helps DNA synthesis and the formation of red blood cells

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How do these work?
Vitamin B supplements help in the production of energy. The lack of Vitamin B is tiredness and fatigue. Most Vitamin B dietary supplements increase your energy levels and support your cellular metabolism. Every supplement comes with a usage direction and most of these supplements are chewable tablets. Make sure you check with your doctor before starting any new supplement.

Health benefits of taking these supplements:

  • Lower risk of stroke
  • Prevents diseases like beriberi
  • Keeps your red blood cell count high
  • Helps with proper growth in children
  • Improves brain energy
  • Keeps you active and strong
  • Helps with normal and easy pregnancies
  • Boosts immune system
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Helps the body handle extreme stress conditions

Few common Vitamin B supplements in the US
Did you know that more than half the population in the United States depend on dietary supplements for their nutritional needs? Below are a few common supplements chosen by a majority of adults in the country.

  • Jarrow Formulas is a B12 supplement that aims at improving brain function.
  • Best Fully Active is an all-rounder and is a B complex veggie cap you can try out.
  • Vitamin B12 is also available as liquid drops.
  • Ultra B12 can be directly swallowed as per dosage instructions.

Most of these supplements are safe as long as you follow the right instructions. Along with these supplements, it is important for you to eat a balanced diet and work out regularly.
Your body needs the right amount of nutrition for your busy lifestyle. You must understand what your body requires and check your Vitamin B levels before starting with supplements. The best way to satisfy your nutritional needs is to have a balanced diet, but supplements will definitely help you reach your nutritional needs.

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