All You Need to Know About Your Newborn Baby’s Crying

All You Need to Know About Your Newborn Baby’s Crying

A baby crying is not always a sign of concern. But it is not something parents can ignore too. A crying baby is trying to tell you something. Crying is all babies know in terms of communicating their needs. Is your baby crying while pooping? Is your baby crying without tears? Do you know what these signs mean?

A Wet Baby

A baby crying because of a wet diaper is natural and expected. When your baby starts crying, it is better to sniff their diaper to confirm if it needs to be changed. If all is good here, you can look out for other reasons for your baby crying insistently.
Your baby can also cry when pooping. The reason for this can be that your baby is simply uncomfortable with the unfamiliar sensations of bowel movements. But if the stools are repeatedly hard or the crying itself is high-pitched, then it is time to see your baby’s doctor.

A Hungry Baby

If your baby is crying from hunger then you must have probably missed the early signs that indicate your baby wants to feed. Try feeding your baby and if he/she stops and begins to feed immediately then you got it right.
No parent wants their baby crying from hunger. But newborn baby behavior can be hard to decode for first-time parents. Look out for signs such as fussing or lip smacking as cues that your baby might be hungry.

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A Sleepy Baby

When your baby wants to sleep, he may often cry. Most babies don’t go to sleep on their own. Overstimulation can make it difficult for them to sleep. If your baby is tired, he/she may cry because he/she wants to sleep but is unable to do so.

A Needy Baby

Babies can be needy. A baby crying can mean he/she just wants to be held or cuddled by you. Babies need the reassurance of familiar sounds of their parents or loved ones. They may cry to call your attention. At such times, simply holding your baby close may stop them from crying.

A Colicky Baby

Colic is when a baby cries without stopping for hours on end for several days in a row. The cause of colic is not yet known. A colicky baby’s cries will be usually more high-pitched than his/her normal crying sound. It usually resolves after a few days. You can see your baby’s doctor to rule out any serious health problem.
Colic can also cause gas. When babies cry nonstop, they can swallow air and it can make them gassy. Gas can be very uncomfortable for a small child. Clenching of fists and stretching of limbs while crying are usually signs of gas.

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A Sick Baby

A sick baby will cry for sure. Check if your baby’s body feels warmer than usual to rule out fever. Talk to the doctor about the next steps for managing your baby’s fever.
If your baby’s lips are dry then your newborn could be dehydrated. In this case, wet your baby’s lips quickly. A quick feeding is also in order. If you are nursing your infant then breastfeeding can provide relief from dehydration. Also, offer your baby spoonfuls of water at regular intervals. When a baby cries without tears, it could also signal dehydration.
If your baby doesn’t stop crying even after you have checked for everything, it is time to go see your baby’s doctor without delay.

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