Avoiding Digestive Problems While Traveling

Avoiding Digestive Problems While Traveling

So you head off on a vacation to some exotic location. You decide to try out that new dish . And before you know it, you are stuck in the restroom – struggling with diarrhea or constipation.

Have you experienced this unfortunate situation? Or know someone who has? Well, you’re far from alone. The majority of the Americans who travel for the first time experience some sort of digestive problem; while one in five frequent travelers report serious digestive issues while traveling overseas. What is the reason for this? And more importantly, how can we avoid it?

Understanding the problem is the first step to solving it. So read on to learn the causes of digestive problems, and the steps you can take to avoid them.

What causes digestive problems in travelers?

  • Your intestinal system is made up of very sensitive tissue. When you take in your usual foods, that you are accustomed to, your intestine has no problem digesting it. But when you visit a new place and try a new food that has spices and ingredients different from your usual diet, your intestine gets upset. When the food is excessively spicy, your intestines react by becoming hyperactive, to expel the contents faster.
  • The flora of the intestinal tract gets altered, leading to loose stools.
  • Travelers contract specific diarrhea called traveler’s’ diarrhea, which is self-limiting but very tiring. It is mainly food and water borne.
  • If you are someone who doesn’t drink much water, the chances of getting constipation are high.
  • Drinking too much soda or carbonated drinks tends to upset the stomach
  • In addition to the above factors, low fiber content in your food leads to constipation.

Here are few tips to help you avoid digestive problems while traveling:

Guard against travelers’ diarrhea
The best to avoid traveler’s diarrhea is to take care of the food that you eat and the water that you drink.

  • Make sure that your food is recently prepared
  • Avoid street food as much as possible. If you do try it, ensure that it is prepared in at least minimum hygienic conditions.
  • If you are someone allergic to dairy products, stay away from them
  • Avoid unpasteurized beverages or food items
  • Eat only meat that is completely cooked.
  • Eat meat only if it is steaming hot
  • Drink only bottled water to drink
  • Avoid uncooked vegetables without skins
  • Eat peeled fruits only if you are peeling them.
  • Avoid greasy foods
  • Avoid very high-fiber foods.
  • Skip caffeine
  • Limit your sugar consumption .

Avoid constipation
Constipation can be a serious issue. The heavy sensation in your stomach, coupled with gas and bloating, can be very unpleasant and distressing. When you are planning for a trek or a climb uphill, your grumbling tummy is enough to keep you irritated for the day. Here are few tips to avoid constipation:

  • Eat a good amount of fiber.
  • Eat bananas.
  • Don’t eat bread or bakery foods.
  • Avoid calcium supplements, antacids, diuretics and iron tablets.
  • Drink loads of water.
  • Don’t avoid a nature call.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Be consistent with your diet.
  • Limit your consumption of spices.

Tips to prevent heartburn
Apart from diarrhea and constipation, heartburn causes serious distress. If you are someone with GERD, then it becomes an even bigger problem. You have to watch what you are eating. Here are few suggestions to manage heartburn while traveling:

  • Eat foods at least two hours before you sleep
  • Avoid too spicy or greasy foods.
  • Sleep with your head elevated.
  • Have a small dinner.
  • Don’t drink too much coffee or tea.
  • Don’t sleep right after eating
  • Avoid stress.
  • Avoid foods that trigger heartburn.
  • Don’t drink alcohol.

Tips to avoid gas
One major embarrassing problem you might face while traveling is the presence of gas in the intestines. If you have been consuming too much fiber, fruits, and carbonated drinks, then you are silently making way for a rumbling tummy. This is because of the gas trapped inside. It gives you a bloating sensation that can be quite embarrassing.

You can avoid gas by:

  • Eating food that matches your usual diet.
  • Avoid high fiber foods.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Avoid drinking carbonated drinks.
  • Avoid dairy foods, if you are lactose intolerance.
  • Avoid foods that make you feel bloated.

If you follow all the aforementioned suggestions, you can enjoy a healthy trip free of any digestive issues.