Benefits of A Prenatal Massage

Benefits of A Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and challenging phases in the life of a woman. The prenatal period is a crucial phase. The mother has to take a lot of care for the baby’s health, and her overall well-being. There are different kinds of therapies and treatments that are usually recommended by doctors. But prenatal massage is extremely beneficial as it is a kind of therapeutic bodywork that enhances the muscles and joints of your body and also improves the blood circulation . A session of prenatal massage can be highly effective in relieving physical fatigue and mental stress. It is a nurturing support that approaches non-invasively and eases the discomfort of a mother-to-be, who is gradually preparing herself for labor.

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Benefits of prenatal massage

Prenatal massage has a lot of underlying importance apart from promising temporary comfort. Here are some of the primary benefits of prenatal massage:

  • A prenatal massage stabilizes your hormones, and thus, reduces anxiety and negative feelings to a significant extent.
  • A prenatal massage relaxes and soothes your nervous system by releasing endorphins into your body.
  • Your muscles become flexible and as a result of this, you can adjust well to the changing alignment due to the baby’s increasing weight.
  • Prenatal massage works wonders in reducing cramps, pain, aches, and muscle spasms.
  • A prenatal massage facilitates stable blood circulation. This is crucial because, during pregnancy, blood volumes increase up to 60% compared to the pre-pregnancy stage. Prenatal massage ensures that even as the uterus enlarges, there is no hindrance in the flow of blood to the uterus and placenta.
  • A prenatal massage increases the pliability of the underlying tissues of your skin.
  • A prenatal massage offers a nurturing touch and an emotional support to an expecting mother.

Prenatal massage therapy is possibly the most trusted drug-free and safe alternative to medications to relieve pregnancy pain.

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Enjoy safety and comfort with a relaxing prenatal massage

Having said that, pregnancy is a phase that also calls for maximum safety. These are certain things that need to be considered to ensure that the prenatal massage service that you are taking is safe and comfortable for you.

  • An expectant woman should lie on her side propped up with pillows. You can also lie on your stomach, but only with a specially designed maternity cushioned bed. A semi-reclining position propped up by pillows is also good as long as you are comfortable in it.
  • Prenatal massage is not the same as a conventional body massage, and therefore, an expecting mother needs to be in trustworthy hands. Ensure that your massage therapist is registered with a reputed organization and that she has prior experience. The higher the level of expertise and experience, the better she will understand pregnancy discomforts and the ways to relieve that discomfort through massage.
  • The duration of the prenatal massage should be shortened from the usual 60-90 minutes to 30-45 minutes as your pregnancy weeks increase. This will depend on your comfort level and your health condition .

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Prenatal massages are beneficial and are considered to be safe. It is advisable to talk to your gynecologist and be assured if a prenatal massage will suit your body. In very rare cases of preeclampsia or high blood pressure, such messages may be restricted.

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