Benefits of Activated Charcoal

Benefits of Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is currently a trending beauty product in the market. It is widely used in many commercial cosmetic products and homemade skin remedies .

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What exactly is activated charcoal?

Charcoal is obtained from wood or coal. When it is processed at high temperatures, it becomes porous and then turns into activated charcoal. The porosity and altered texture of activated charcoal is able to attract toxins and pull out the impurities from your skin. Activated charcoal is also known as activated carbon and commercially available in the form of loose powder or capsules.
Benefits of activated charcoal

Thoroughly Cleanses Skin
When you use activated charcoal, it draws out impurities from the skin. You can simply mix the activated charcoal powder with your usual face cleansers. You should apply activated charcoal 1 or 2 times in a week as a purifying mask for a smooth complexion and healthy skin.

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Provides Relief from Acne
If you suffer from acne breakouts or have blackheads, you should apply activated charcoal on the affected areas on your skin.

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Exfoliates Skin
Activated charcoal has a coarse texture, which helps in exfoliating the skin and in removing the impurities from your skin. If you have sensitive skin, you must exfoliate your skin with activated charcoal as it has no added chemicals.

Shrinks Enlarged Pores
Regular use of activated charcoal can help you reduce the size of your pores which helps in toning your skin.

Removes Excess Oil
Activated charcoal can remove excess oil from your skin. You should use activated charcoal once a week to balance your skin texture.

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Soothes Skin Irritations
When you have breakouts, skin allergies, or insect bites, you must apply activated charcoal to your skin.

Activated charcoal is easily available in drugstores and you should incorporate activated charcoal into your regular skincare routine.

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