Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in probiotics and enzymes. Raw organic apple cider vinegar contains proteins, enzymes, and useful bacteria that has many health benefits. In fact, if you incorporate apple cider vinegar in your diet, you can keep many health problems at bay. Here are some of the primary uses of apple cider vinegar:

Lowers blood sugar levels:

Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar is said to regulate blood sugar levels. It increases insulin sensitivity and effectively lowers blood glucose levels. You can take it before meals by mixing a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water.

Aids in weight loss:

Many studies revealed that apple cider vinegar enhances satiety. In other words, it makes you feel full, limits your calorie intake, and helps you to lose weight.

Lowers hypertension:

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the major health concerns in today’s world. It forces the heart to work harder, thus weakening the heart muscle and giving way to heart diseases. Regular intake of apple cider vinegar is said to lower blood pressure and improving your cardiac heart.

Relieves acid reflux:

Acid reflux is caused due to low acid levels in the stomach. Due to this, acid flows back from the stomach into the esophagus causing belching, heartburn, and even nausea.In such a scenario, regular intake of apple cider vinegar adds more acid to the stomach, prevents acid reflux, and relieves you of the associated symptoms.

Improves gut health:

Regular intake of apple cider vinegar helps in boosting your gut health as it contains many friendly bacteria. These bacteria help to improve the health of your digestive system by enhancing the ability to digest efficiently and absorb nutrients, thereby resulting in good immunity.

Helps in detoxification:

Apple cider vinegar has successfully proved to balance PH levels as it contains acetic acid. It also enhances blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and becomes a great aid for detoxification. Mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water is shown to have a detoxifying effect.

Lowers cholesterol:

Research suggests that apple cider vinegar has cholesterol-reducing properties. The build-up of bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the walls of the arteries leads to an increased risk of heart disease. Regular apple cider vinegar diet can reduce this bad cholesterol as it contains Pectin, a fiber which attaches itself to the bad LDL cholesterol and eliminates it from the body.

Wards off cold:

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best sources that maintain the PH levels in the body, thus improving its immunity. The immediate result is that the body protects itself against unfriendly bacteria and viruses.

Fights fungal infections:

Apart from the other benefits it has, apple cider vinegar can also fight fungal infections. You can add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to hot water or add it to your bathing water.

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