Blueberries: The Key to a Healthier Life

Blueberries: The Key to a Healthier Life

Everyone wants to know the secret to a good life and a healthy body is, of course, a necessary part of that ideal state. So what’s the secret to a healthy body? Well, there are no easy answers there. But blueberries are probably the closest thing you can have to one.

Blueberries are a veritable treasure-trove of nutrients . Consuming a single cup of blueberries gives you Resveratrol, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Gallic acid, Vitamin C (25 % DV), Vitamin K (36 % DV), Manganese (25 % DV) and Fiber (17% DV).

Bogged down by all the nutritional data above? Fret not! Read on to have the numerous health benefits of blueberries demystified for you.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Helps you lose weight

Blueberries are high in fiber , low on the glycemic index and low in calories – three factors that make them a powerful means of losing weight. Low glycemic index foods are absorbed in a slower rate by the body and remain in the digestive tract for longer (which has earned them the nickname ‘slow carbs’). Consequently, consuming them helps you control your appetite and restrain your hunger pangs. So consider having some blueberries if you want those (weighing) scales to shift in your favor!

Supports your digestion

As a natural source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, blueberries, if consumed daily, can help regulate your digestion. Research has shown that wild blueberries promote the growth of probiotics (i.e. good bacteria) in the colon, which provides a number of digestive benefits. So do eat blueberries if you want to eat better in general!

Benefits your skin

A number of popular skin-care products the world over are made from blueberry extract. This is because the wide range of vitamins and minerals present in blueberries help restore hormonal balance, thereby counteracting acne. Moreover, the resveratrol contained in blueberries reduces the adverse impact of overexposure to sunlight on the skin.

Keeps your heart healthy

Blueberries have been shown to lower bad cholesterol , increase good cholesterol, and naturally lower blood pressure. Needless to say, that makes them very good for your heart. One study has shown that regularly eating blueberries, along with strawberries, can reduce one’s risk of heart attack by as much as 33%.

Combats aging

Blueberries are one of the most antioxidant-rich foods in the world. Antioxidants reverse the damage done to your body by toxins and free radicals, thereby fighting the aging process . Moreover, blueberries are also rich in proanthocyanidins, which have additional anti-aging properties, as studies have demonstrated. In other words – eat blueberries to live a long life!

Boosts your brain

Due to the presence of high amounts of phenols, particularly gallic acid, blueberries are considered to be ‘neuro-protective agents’. This means that they protect the brain from neurotoxicity, degeneration and oxidative stress. In addition, some studies have shown that blueberries, due to the high levels of antioxidants they contain, improve your memory and motor function, as well as slow down cognitive decline.

Fights cancer

The presence of antioxidants in blueberries make them a natural weapon in the fight against cancer. The gallic acid in blueberries can kill cancer cells without any healthy cells being harmed. Research has shown that blueberries are particularly effective when it comes to slowing the progress of and even destroying, breast cancer.

With all the great things blueberries can do for your body, you really don’t have a reason not to grab as many of them as you can and make them a regular part of your diet!