Buying Prescription Drugs and Over-the-Counter Medications Abroad

Buying Prescription Drugs and Over-the-Counter Medications Abroad

One can encounter sudden health problems while traveling abroad or enjoying an overseas vacation. If the health issue you face is not that serious, taking medication will work. However, it might not be that easy to source medication in many countries. Some nations are strict with the selling of prescription and even non-prescription drugs. In fact, pharmacists often refuse to fill out the foreign prescription presented to them. In such circumstances, it is important to be aware of regulations and restrictions associated with the certain medication. There have even been cases of tourists who have been arrested for possessing medicines considered to be illegal in the countries they are visiting! This makes it all the more important to be aware before crossing international borders. For example, when traveling to the United States with medicines, the traveler falls under the authority of Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and Transportation Security Administration. Different agencies have different restrictions that they impose on travelers.

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There are two classes of medicines generally under the purview of international law – narcotics and psychotropics. Since they have an effect on the Central Nervous System, these are the ones that can potentially be abused. While narcotics refer to highly regulated analgesic opioids, psychotropics are used to treat mental disorders such as anxiety or depression. Typically, most countries allow the possession of medicines that are used to cure epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease. The regulations state that these medicines can be carried for up to two months of doses. Also, the travelers need to carry the physical prescriptions for these medicines. These regulations are scripted through international agreements, as mentioned on the International Narcotics Board (INCB) website. Some countries like the United States even allow medicines to be received via courier in case the traveler is staying for more than 90 days.

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Information regarding the carrying of medicines abroad is hard to come. The websites of the destination country might not have coherent or accurate information. Contacting embassies or consulates may be equally unrealistic or cumbersome. As a result, travelers may encounter serious difficulties as they grapple with unknown regulations.

Some tips that can be followed are:

  • Being updated with INCB guidelines, in case it becomes necessary to possess narcotics or psychotropics.
  • Medicines like anabolic steroids are used for potential abuse, and hence such minute details can be checked.
  • Stick to the 30-day supply rule.
  • Carry the requisite doctor’s prescription or import license certificate.
  • The tablets must be carried in their original packaging with labels intact.

Some other health-related assurances required while traveling abroad:

  • Stock up on normal medicines, including prescription drugs and over the counter medicines. Traveling with extra medicines is a good idea if they are not under any specific regulatory scanner. However, carrying syringes might require specific doctor’s prescription and original containers.
  • Buying medicines abroad can be difficult especially if there is a language barrier. It is advisable to carry a language dictionary. Ensure that the prescription carried has the generic name written beside the chemical name, as it is easier to buy generic versions abroad.
  • It might not be easy to acquire medicines at the first try, as some pharmacists tend to reject the prescription. Trying a few more can be helpful.
  • Finding a doctor in the worst-case scenario is the best option. The local doctor would prescribe local versions of those medicines, making them easier to buy.
  • Over the counter medicines can have problems related to their safety quotient. This can be solved by checking the manufacturing company and establishing whether those drug manufacturers produce the same medication with a different name. Hence, checking the generic chemical name of the medicine and checking its regulatory status in the destination country is highly recommended.
  • Ensure that the doctor has prescribed medicines and dosages keeping in mind time zone differences.
  • Seeking alternative medication regimes for protection is necessary. This can be done by trying to know about the vaccinations required before traveling, and ensuring that it doesn’t interfere with medication that has been prescribed to you.
  • It is important to pack the medicines carefully in a separate carry bag and learn how to use refrigeration if the medication requires it. Appropriate arrangements need to be made regarding the same, as some medicines are susceptible to excessive heat.
  • A traveler Clinical Record can be carried alongside, that precisely defines the medical condition and treatment plan.
  • It is highly unadvisable to be irregular with the consumption of medicines as it might lead to systemic complications.
  • Beware of counterfeit drugs in any circumstance.

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