Carry-On-Meals That Are Perfect For a Flight

Carry-On-Meals That Are Perfect For a Flight

People who avail flights on a frequent basis for work or leisure travel, don’t usually depend on the food served on the flight. Cost is definitely one reason why – domestic flights seldom include the price of the in-flight meal in the ticket, forcing you to fork out extra cash. But more significantly, these in-flight meal options are not healthy at all. There have been innumerable cases of flight passengers falling ill, as well as cases of contaminated food being served to passengers.

All of this means that your best bet is to carry your own meals on board the flight. There are various meals which you can prepare and take with yourself during the flight. But first, you need to know which specific items are allowed on a flight. Airlines will not allow you to carry any liquids on board. Thus, items like vinegar, oils, jellies, jams and even soups, are allowed on a flight. However, you can carry cakes, sandwiches, fruits, cheese, etc. provided they are wrapped in foil paper properly. You can also take meat, provided it is packed properly. Other than these, gums, candies or chips are also allowed. While booking flight tickets, you can check the list of items allowed, either online or by speaking to a representative of the airline.

Here is a list of five meals that you can prepare yourself and carry along with you while traveling on a plane:

Dill and Tarragon Chicken Salad

Dill and Tarragon Chicken Salad
Chicken salads are always delicious , and well-liked by most people. This is one of a kind chicken salad, which is different from the chicken salad you make or have regularly. With lots of dill and tarragon, this chicken salad tastes delicious and has lots of great flavors. You can also add some lettuce leaves and have it with bread, accompanied with some grapes as well, to give your tongue a great treat. You must freeze the salad before you pack it in your handbag, to keep it cold and yummier. But once you are about to pack it, make sure it is completely defrosted. If it is not defrosted properly, it will cause a problem for you at the security check; and the salad will also become stale due to being soaked with moisture.

Tahini and Hummus

Tahini and Hummus
If you are looking for some great snacks for your flight, you can make this before leaving for the airport. The hummus which is full of protein provides nutritional benefits while snacking along with the vegetables. You can use your favorite vegetables and slice them up, keeping them aside from the hummus. As hummus is a paste, you need to carry it safely, and not more than the quantity of 3 ounces in a container. Keep it in the freezer until you are leaving for the airport to keep it fresh.

Mixed Fruit and Nut

Mixed Fruit and Nut
Nuts are always delicious and full of nutrients, and as such, they are the perfect healthy meal for a flight. Don’t buy the readymade packets of dried fruits and nuts, since they are not as healthy as the one you can prepare fresh at home. You can use any fruit and nuts whichever you like. Just make sure you don’t put anything in the mixture which is not allowed in flight. Pack the mixture in small packets, so that you can use one of them at a go. This will also help the mixture remain fresh and prevent it from getting soaked in moisture.

Mediterranean Wraps

Mediterranean Wraps
You must be tired of those soggy wraps and sandwiches which are served on the flight. So for a change, try a Mediterranean Wrap . You can prepare it at home with a few ingredients, and carry it easily on the flight. You would get tomatoes, chicken (shredded or seared), and cucumber with herbed couscous in just one wrap. Without a doubt, you’ll find it to be very filling. You don’t have to eat those lettuce leaves with a layer of mayonnaise, which are traditional elements in a wrap or sandwiches. This is something new and tastier and you must try it while traveling on your next flight.

Totable Tea Sandwiches

Totable Tea Sandwiches
If you are short of time and need to rush for your flight, you should definitely go for this sandwich. It has the flavors of prosciutto along with mozzarella cheese and red pepper, which has to be roasted and jarred properly. Use the multigrain bread to make the sandwich healthier and more filling. You can use turkey to make the sandwich spicier; or you can put some jam in the center for kids. You should line one portion of the bread with cheese, and another one with meat, so that they don’t become soggy. Don’t forget to sprinkle pepper in between.

You can prepare these abovementioned recipes in very little time. Enjoy your flight!