Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease
While the exact reason individuals develop the disease is unknown, it is thought to depend on a multitude of factors. Those factors are a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Genetics play a very small percentage in a patient’s development of this disease; however, if the individual does fall into one of the few percent of the population in which there is a genetic history, then those individuals have a significantly higher risk of developing the disease in the future. What are the Risk Factors associated with Alzheimer’s disease? Age Alzheimer’s disease is a disorder of the older population. Therefore, age is the greatest associated risk for patients developing Alzheimer’s disease. Patients greater than the age of 65 have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease; and with each decade above age 60, the risk increases two-fold. Genetics Genetics and family history also play key roles in determining which patient population is likely to develop this disease in the future. If there is a significant history of a parent or sibling having the disease, then the individual is at an increased risk of developing the disease. There are only a small percentage of patients who develop Alzheimer’s disease as a result of genetic mutations.One genetic mutation that researchers have identified as increasing the risk of individuals developing Alzheimer’s disease is the APoE4.