anxiety disorders Post

Causes of Anxiety Disorders

The causes of anxiety disorders can be attributed to the following: Changes in the brain When conditions that evoke anxiety are experienced by those with the disorder, they typically see hyperactivity in the amygdala – a region of the brain responsible for fear and related emotional processes, including fear conditioning, reward learning, and processing of emotional events. This region is not only more active but responds faster to anxiety-provoking situations in individuals with anxiety disorder. Other regions of the brain may also contribute to anxiety disorders. The anterior cingulate cortex and the insula, also known as the “fear network”, contributes to the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders .  The anterior cingulate cortex is important in fear avoidance, while the insula processes emotions and awareness of internal distress. In the case of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) , the hippocampus, a region of the brain responsible for forming memories, demonstrates low activity during exposure to PTSD triggers. Changes in the structure of the hippocampus, amygdala, and medial prefrontal cortex  (a brain region involved in decision making)  have also been observed. Environmental Stress There are numerous environmental factors that can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders. One of the most common is stress, especially stress for a long period of time, due to a major traumatic life event such as an unhealthy relationship or a highly stressful job.

Types & Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are mental conditions in which the individual experiences intense, constant anxiety, that can be overwhelming and that interferes with the performance of everyday activities. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. Approximately 40% of people with a mental illness suffer from anxiety; and 18% of the general population experience anxiety. There are several different forms of anxiety, that include: Types of Anxiety Disorders:        Separation Anxiety Disorder        Selective Mutism        Specific Phobia        Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)        Panic Disorder        Agoraphobia        Generalized Anxiety Disorder        Posttraumatic Stress Disorder        Obsessive Compulsive Disorder        Substance/Medication-Induced Anxiety Disorder        Anxiety Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition        Other Specified Anxiety Disorder        Unspecified Anxiety Disorder Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety symptoms vary among disorders. However, there are some common symptoms including:        Feelings of panic, fear or unsteadiness        Difficulty sleeping        An inability to feel composed        Cold, sweaty, numb or tingling hands or feet        Difficulty breathing        Erratic heart beat        Dry mouth        Nausea        Muscle tension        Dizziness