Introduction & Types of Bipolar Disorders
Bipolar disorder is a type of mental disorder. Bipolar Affective Disorder has two different forms that present with different sets of signs, symptoms, diagnoses and treatments. These are known as Bipolar I Disorder and Bipolar II Disorder. These disorders are diagnosed using criteria developed and updated in the DSM-5. The DSM-5 is an acronym that stands for: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This updated version of the DSM, provides a complete chapter on diagnosing Bipolar and Bipolar Related Disorders. It even includes Cyclothymic Disorder which is a disorder that does not quite meet all the criteria to be considered Bipolar Disorder. Patients who do experience the signs and symptoms of Bipolar disorder, but do not meet the full criteria for either portion of the mania, hypomania or major depression can be classified as Cyclothymic Disorder. Also included in the DSM-5 manual is “manic-like” phenomena which provide a separate set of diagnostic criteria and guidelines that are unique to other outside stimuli that may contribute to this manic-like behavior. This is not considered to be true Bipolar Disorder. Drugs are an example of outside stimuli that can contribute to “manic-like” behavior. A patient cannot be diagnosed with a psychiatric illness if he or she is altered with drugs.