health wellness Post

Recommended Exercises for Arthritis

Arthritis can have a significant impact on quality of life, and in addition to prescribed medications, exercise is an integral part of disease treatment and prevention of disease progression. To understand the importance of exercise for arthritis, it is helpful to clarify what exactly the disease does to the body. When paired with other forms of treatment, exercise can be extremely effective in managing and reducing arthritic symptoms. Regular physical activity can result in weight loss or maintenance of weight, which is important for controlling and/or reducing impact forces through the joints. It can also reduce pain due to its analgesic effect on the nervous system. Exercise improves joint health by moving fluid through intra-articular spaces and between layers of surrounding soft tissue. This allows for greater pain free joint range of motion. Individuals with arthritis often develop muscular tightness/stiffness due to the body protecting against pain and dysfunction around a joint. Exercise is important for the health of these muscles as it improves muscular flexibility, hydration, and strength. Cardiovascular endurance is an additional benefit of regular physical activity for individuals with arthritis. Overall benefits of exercising in arthritis: By training the heart and lungs through exercises that challenge the aerobic energy system, Increases blood supply and hydration to muscles and joints Improved energy endurance with daily activities, household chores, and work duties Improved quality of sleep Elevated mood Higher levels of perceived level of function.