Symptoms of Osteoporosis
Early signs of Osteoporosis In its early stages, osteoporosis is likely to be asymptomatic. That means many people will not know they have it without the benefit of testing. Osteoporosis often goes diagnosed until a fracture or injury occurs, because low bone mass does not cause pain. A hallmark sign of osteoporosis are fractures that occur easily Common fracture site include the vertebrae, wrist, femur, and ribs. Other reasons for pain in osteoporosis include secondary causes such as cancer. If a patients with low bone mass is presenting with bone pain and there are no fractures to be seen, the provider should rule out other causes of bone pain. Late signs of Osteoporosis Fractures Back pain can be a warning sign. It might be the result of a collapsed or broken spinal vertebra precipitated by bone loss. Dowager’s hump (or hump back) of the thoracic spine that occurs with multiple vertebral compression fractures. Loss of height: Getting shorter is an almost infallible sign of bone loss. Because the bones have lost their density. Height loss > 4 cm in 10 years is significant! Scoliosis Low extremity strength, balance, gait, and postural reflexes Red Flags Multiple fractures Fatigue Easily Bruising Generalized pain Gait abnormalities Height loss > 4 cm in 10 years Complications include fractures, falls, pulmonary embolism, pain, decrease in quality of life, lost work days, disability, collapse of vertebrae secondary to compression fracture, recurrent fracture, death!